Alte prestazioni per la nuova Defender Octa

Alte prestazioni per la nuova Defender Octa

Il Quotidiano del Sud Alte prestazioni per la nuova Defender Octa GAYDON (INGHILTERRA) (ITALPRESS) – Nel corso del 2024 Defender presenterà Octa, che si candida a nuova protagonista high-performance dell’all-terrain. La nuova ammiraglia Defender sarà il modello più resistente, capace e lussuoso della gamma e consentirà al brand di esplorare nuovi territori. “Fin dalla Series…

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Chinese government-linked hackers allegedly targeted New Zealand in 2021, security minister says

Chinese government-linked hackers allegedly targeted New Zealand in 2021, security minister says

Hackers linked to the Chinese government launched a state-sponsored operation that targeted New Zealand’s Parliament in 2021, the country’s security minister said Tuesday. New Zealand’s allegation comes a day after American and British authorities announced a set of criminal charges and sanctions against seven hackers, all believed to be living in China, who targeted U.S….

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Rmag Breaking News

Important: Ce se întâmplă cu plata pensiilor

Toate pensiile şi toate obligaţiile sociale vor fi distribuite aşa cum trebuie până la 15 aprilie, susţine directorul general al companiei Poşta Română, Valentin Ştefan, făcând referire la ameninţarea cu grevă din partea sindicaliştilor. „Greva de avertisment a adus sub 10% dintre salariaţi. Deci sub 10% dintre salariaţii Poştei au fost în grevă de avertisment….

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Tatvorwurf sexuelle Gewalt: Groß-Razzien bei US-Superstar

Tatvorwurf sexuelle Gewalt: Groß-Razzien bei US-Superstar

Sean „Diddy“ Combs („Bad Boy For Life“, „I‘ll Be Missing You“) ist eine Instanz in der HipHop-Welt, wurde als Musiker und Geschäftsmann zum Milliardär. Nun haben US-Ermittler Häuser des Rap-Superstars in Kalifornien und Florida durchsucht. Ihm wird sexuelle Gewalt vorgeworfen. US-Ermittler haben Combs‘ Häuser in den Bundesstaaten Kalifornien und in Florida durchsucht. Auf Anfrage des…

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iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max Could Be Introduced In The New ‘Space Black’ And ‘Rose’ Finishes To Replace Two Colors From Last Year

iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max Could Be Introduced In The New ‘Space Black’ And ‘Rose’ Finishes To Replace Two Colors From Last Year

Apple could introduce an exciting color duo later this year, though it is rumored that these finishes will be exclusively available for the more expensive iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max. According to a Weibo post, the Blue Titanium and Natural Titanium options currently available for the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15…

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COOKIE, the Cookie3 MarketingFi Ecosystem Token, will Launch on ChainGPT Pad and Polkastarter

COOKIE, the Cookie3 MarketingFi Ecosystem Token, will Launch on ChainGPT Pad and Polkastarter

[PRESS RELEASE – Tallinn, Estonia, March 26th, 2024] This first MarketingFi utility token will launch within the Cookie3 ecosystem. $COOKIE represents digital marketing value passed on to users who drive projects forward instead of on advertising giants like Google or Facebook. Cookie3, a MarketingFi Protocol and AI Data Layer, has just announced that $COOKIE—the Cookie…

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Adrian Mititelu îşi întăreşte echipa cu un jucător de naţională! Internaţionalul român U20, prezentat oficial la FCU Craiova!

Adrian Mititelu îşi întăreşte echipa cu un jucător de naţională! Internaţionalul român U20, prezentat oficial la FCU Craiova!

Adrian Mititelu îşi întăreşte echipa cu un jucător de naţională! Patronul oltenilor a reuşit să obţină semnătura unui internaţional român de tineret. Fundaşul stânga Tudor Oltean, în vârstă de 21 de ani, a semnat un contract cu FCU Craiova valabil pentru un sezon. Clubul patronat de Adrian Mititelu va avea opţiune pentru încă 3 sezoane….

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Data reveals increase in Romanian women in leadership positions over the last 20 years

Data reveals increase in Romanian women in leadership positions over the last 20 years

There has been an increase in the proportion of women in the employed population structure and leadership positions in the past 20 years, according to the Social Monitor, a project by the German non-profit Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Romania.  In the 2021 population and housing census, the total employed population in Romania was 7,689,000 people, a decrease of…

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