Learning AWS Day by Day — Day 10 — Introduction to Load Balancers

Learning AWS Day by Day — Day 10 — Introduction to Load Balancers

Exploring AWS !! Day 10: Introduction to Load Balancers: Load Balancer is a service that uniformly distributes network traffic & workloads across multiple servers or clusters. Load Balancers increase availability and fault tolerance. Elastic Load Balancer: load balancing service for AWS deployments. ELB scales itself as necessary to handle load. traffic is distributed in multiple…

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Rmag Breaking News

Gitai’s autonomous robot installs panel outside the ISS, showing orbital repairs in action

Los Angeles-based Gitai said Tuesday that its autonomous robotic arm has nailed a tech demonstration outside the International Space Station. Gitai CEO Sho Nakanose told TechCrunch in an interview last year that the company aims to reduce in-space labor costs by 100 times, in the same way that SpaceX and other providers have dramatically reduced…

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Armenia’s prime minister urges swift border agreement to avoid conflict with Azerbaijan

Armenia’s prime minister urges swift border agreement to avoid conflict with Azerbaijan

Armenia’s prime minister said Tuesday that the Caucasus nation needs to quickly define the border with neighboring Azerbaijan to avoid a new round of hostilities. Last year, Azerbaijan waged a lightning military campaign to reclaim the Karabakh region, ending three decades of ethnic Armenian separatists’ rule there. In December, the two sides agreed to begin…

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„Poate vreun tricolor să mai dea un astfel de gol?” Reacţia lui Gică Hagi, înainte de amicalul de senzaţie Columbia – România

„Poate vreun tricolor să mai dea un astfel de gol?” Reacţia lui Gică Hagi, înainte de amicalul de senzaţie Columbia – România

Gică Hagi a anunţat că va fi în tribunele stadionului din Madrid, la amicalul de senzaţie Columbia – România, de pe 26 martie, care va putea fi urmărit în direct pe Antena 1 şi în AntenaPLAY. „Regele” are amintiri extraordinare în faţa naţionalei din America de Sud. În urmă cu 30 de ani, Gică Hagi…

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Halálos baleset Cikmántoron

Halálos baleset Cikmántoron

Két autó ütközött össze kedden délután négy óra körül az E60-as úton, Cikmántor területén. A segesvári tűzoltók egy esetkocsival és egy rohammentővel vonultak ki, de Marosvásárhelyről is mentőt és mentőhelikoptert kértek a helyszínre. A Maros megyei tűzoltóság első hírei szerint öt sérültje volt a balesetnek, de később pontosítottak: a balesetben elhunyt egy nő, a többi,…

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