Rmag Breaking News

Jelly Bean CSS Art

This is a submission for DEV Challenge v24.03.20, CSS Art: Favorite Snack. Inspiration Today I am highlighting a Jelly bean CSS art Demo Visit the live website here and code available here Journey I began with a plain html and css canvas, then added styling to resemble a jelly bean. At first it look like…

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NFL Competition Committee Proposes New Rules to Fix Kickoffs, Address Hip-Drop Tackles

NFL Competition Committee Proposes New Rules to Fix Kickoffs, Address Hip-Drop Tackles

The NFL’s competition committee proposed two major rule changes on Wednesday that would significantly alter certain plays during games. One rule proposal would adjust kickoffs in a major way, while another rule would attempt to address the league’s concern with hip-drop tackles. First, the competition committee suggested a new kickoff alignment that resembles what the…

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Fermierii sunt complet debusolați: Diferențele de temperatură dintre zi și noapte au ajuns la 20 de grade Celsius

Fermierii sunt complet debusolați: Diferențele de temperatură dintre zi și noapte au ajuns la 20 de grade Celsius

A venit iarna chiar în ziua echinocțiului de primăvară. În multe locuri din ţară a fost ger şi diferenţele de temperatură dintre noapte şi zi au ajuns la 20 de grade Celsius. „Zăpada mieilor” i-a luat prin surprindere pe mulți La munte a fost ger. Temperaturile s-au apropiat de minus 20 de grade Celsius. Valori…

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Rmag Breaking News

Baronul PNL de Prahova candidează sub ancheta DNA

Baronul PNL de Prahova candidează sub ancheta DNA. Preşedinyele Consiliului Judeţean (CJ) Prahova, Iulian Dumitrescu, cercetat de DNA pentru fapte de corupţie, va candida pentru un nou mandat la şefia CJ, anunţă, miercuri seară, PNL Prahova. „Primarii liberali din judeţul Prahova au trimis o scrisoare deschisă conducerii Partidului Naţional Liberal în care îşi manifestă susţinerea…

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Father of fallen Marine is a ‘hero’ for shouting ‘Remember Abbey Gate’ at Biden, says fellow Gold Star dad

Father of fallen Marine is a ‘hero’ for shouting ‘Remember Abbey Gate’ at Biden, says fellow Gold Star dad

Gold Star father Mark Schmitz joined “Fox & Friends” Wednesday to call on top Biden administration officials to be held accountable for the Afghanistan withdrawal that resulted in the deaths of 13 American service members, including his son, Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz.  Schmitz called out Secretary of State Antony Blinken directly, labeling him as…

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Former ‘Jeopardy!’ producer Mike Richards felt victimized after being fired one day into hosting game show

Former ‘Jeopardy!’ producer Mike Richards felt victimized after being fired one day into hosting game show

Since being fired as the replacement host of “Jeopardy!” in August 2021 shortly after longtime host Alex Trebek died of pancreatic cancer, Mike Richards has had time to reflect on the series of events that led to his termination.  In a new interview, the former executive producer of “Jeopardy!” and “Wheel of Fortune” opened up…

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Medicul Cătălin Cîrstoiu: Trebuie să resetăm toată gândirea, toată atitudinea şi, de ce nu, toată abordarea clasei politice faţă de Capitală

Medicul Cătălin Cîrstoiu: Trebuie să resetăm toată gândirea, toată atitudinea şi, de ce nu, toată abordarea clasei politice faţă de Capitală

„A venit un moment în care cred eu că decizia de a candida pentru Primăria Generală a Capitalei a fost determinată nu neapărat de dorinţa mea de a ocupa o funcţie (…) cât am simţit că este un moment foarte important pentru Capitală, pentru Bucureşti, pentru cetăţenii acestui oraş. Este un moment în care cred…

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Database for newbies

Database for newbies

Either if you have just started learning programming or if you already have some experience with it, I’m pretty sure you already asked yourself (or others) what a database really is, how you can deal with it, what is the difference between relational and non relational databases and what they are used for. When it…

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