RMAG news

Băsescu, consultant politic

Retras din activitatea politică, fostul președinte Traian Băsescu nu renunță deplin, totuși: el și-a anunțat public disponibilitatea de a oferi consultanță politică în acest an electoral. Întrebat la Prima News dacă are de gînd să rămînă un simplu pensionar, Băsescu a răspuns:  ”Am făcut o fundație și voi încerca să fiu activ transferînd din experiența…

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Rabbit R1, The $199 AI-Powered Device, Actually Runs Android Under The Hood, With Its UI Handled By A Single App

Rabbit R1, The $199 AI-Powered Device, Actually Runs Android Under The Hood, With Its UI Handled By A Single App

The Rabbit R1 was positioned as an affordable piece of AI wearable technology that could outdo what smartphones were capable of. Unfortunately, reviewers have been on a roll, taking turns bashing these products for being unnecessarily overhyped and severely underwhelming. What is even worse is that it was discovered that the $199 device is actually…

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Ezt kell tudni, hogy ne rontsa el a majálisozást egy több tízezres bírság

Ezt kell tudni, hogy ne rontsa el a majálisozást egy több tízezres bírság

Sokat változtak a majálisozási szokások az utóbbi évtizedben – aminek vitathatatlanul köze van a megszigorított környezetvédelmi törvényekhez, de a környezettudatosság térhódításához is –, már nem általános jelenség május elsején, hogy egymást érik a pikniktüzek a természetben, és szénné égett húsok füstje üli meg a patakvölgyeket a mulatós-zenei kavalkádban. Ez ma már drága mulatsággá válhat, ugyanis…

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