RMAG news

Unde mergi de Paște, în 2024. Satele din România unde tradiția face casă bună cu turismul

În timpul sărbătorilor de Paște, românii pot descoperi locuri mai puțin cunoscute, dar pline de farmec, pentru a petrece zilele libere într-un mod cu adevărat autentic. Potrivit consultantului în turism Traian Bădulescu, purtătorul de cuvânt al ANAT, turismul rural devine din ce în ce mai popular pentru cei care doresc să evadeze din agitația marilor…

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Biggest No Rest for the Wicked Patch To Date Released; Improves Performance, Visuals, Loot, Adds New Options

Biggest No Rest for the Wicked Patch To Date Released; Improves Performance, Visuals, Loot, Adds New Options

Developer Moon Studios has rolled out the biggest No Rest for the Wicked patch to date, packing improvements to visuals, performance, loot, and much more. Moon Studios’ latest title was released in early access for PC last week, and following several smaller hotfixes, the studio has now released the game’s biggest update yet. “We improved…

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Romanian private equity firm ROCA Investments registers sixth consecutive year of growth, plans expansion

Romanian private equity firm ROCA Investments registers sixth consecutive year of growth, plans expansion

The private equity company ROCA Investments recently announced its sixth consecutive year of growth and a pre-dividend market value of EUR 81.6 million in 2023. The company also registered an annualized investment return of 29.11%. The market value of ROCA Investments’ equity has increased 3.7 times since its inception until the end of 2023. Despite…

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RMAG news

Laravel Cache Classes

I’ve been working on a Laravel project that requires numerous database calls, so I have started implementing caching to try to improve performance and reduce database queries. To start with, I was just using Laravel’s Cache facade, like below: Cache::remember( ‘unique-key’, 60, // cache lives for 60 seconds fn () => $this->operationToBeCached() ); Cache::remember is…

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