Provide storage for the IT department testing and training

Provide storage for the IT department testing and training

Create a resource group and a storage account.

In Azure portal, select Resource groups

Click “+ Create”

Name Resource group

Select Region

Select “Review + create”

Select “Create”

Create and deploy a storage account to support testing and training

In the portal, search for Storage account and select “+ Create”

Select Resource group

Name storage account

Set Performance to Standard

Select “Review and Create”

Select “Create”

Select “Go to Resource”

Configure simple settings in the storage account.

In Data Management

Select “Redundancy”

Select Locally – redundant storage in Redundancy dropdown

Click Save

Refresh page and notice the content only exist in primary location

The storage account should only accept requests from secure connections

In the Settings section

Select Configuration blade

Ensure Secure transfer required is enabled

Developers would like the storage account to use at least TLS version 1.2.

Minimal TLS version should be 1.2

Until the storage is needed again, disable requests to the storage account.

Disable “Allow storage account key access”

Save your changes

Ensure the storage account allows public access from all networks.

In Security + Networking, select “Networking”

Ensure Public Network access is Enabled from all networks

Save your changes