Proxy for closed action on Pull Request [DroneCI + GitHub]

RMAG news

If you already tried to add CI + CD on your application with DroneCI, you know how powerful is this tool for it. It’s works.

For my studies, I was going a little deep in the DevOps, dinamically creating review environments for each Pull Request opened in the project. All working over images that handle all the job (I can explain more in future), deploying on my personal K8s cluster (thanks Helm and templates).

After all implemented, discovered a little problem. The provider, in this case, Github, send the hook with all the information, but DroneCI simple ignore the action closed. So you can’t trigger close PR actions on your CI (in my case, removing the review environments applications).

After many searches in the web, I didn’t found a solution, so I made one, jajajaja.

Well, if you also faced the issue of can’t be able to trigger your pipeline configured for your .drone.yaml when the action is closed, for example, one possible solution is add a proxy foreward between GitHub and your DroneCI application.

The project:

Basically, you just need to configure the environments:


Deploy the application, configure your GitHub to point the /hook for the proxy, and that’s it.

Here is where you are able to view the hook information and deal with it:


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