Raspberry Pi as development environment

Raspberry Pi as development environment

A few weeks ago, I got my Raspberry Pi 5 or more specifically, a starter set including it, a fan, SD Card and case.
I ran some stress tests on the device to see how performant the device really is. I was shocked by how easily it handled most of the tasks that were thrown at it, like video playback, stress command or simple browsing. I didn’t write those measurements down, so I cannot add them to this post. Anyway, there are other websites that probably have done a better job at analyzing the Pi than I did.

At this time, my development environment was a Fedora laptop with many packages and system changes. This became a problem when working on one of my side projects called Zentrox.

To replace/extend this environment, I decided to set my Raspi up as a development system. This was actually pretty easy, and if you want to, you can follow me along here.

Install Raspbian and enable SSH
Which tools am I using very often?

Compilers, interpreters, git, ssh, fish…

Which of these tools should run on the raspi?

Compilers and interpreters

How do I get thes tools running on the raspi?

Copy Neovim and Tmux config to the raspi (using ssh file transfer)
Install btop, nodejs,…
Get docker running

After I installed, updated and configured all applications and packages the raspi now easily runs my project(s), gcc,…

The only thing missing is proper pip3 functionality. Every time I try to install a Python package, I am hit with this error:

A few screenshots of the working setup (taken in Windows Terminal on W11 over SSH)

I hope you liked this post. Feel free to add an emotion, leave a comment (constructive or not), and maybe star Zentrox.

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