Why it’s time to bag a high-street retinal – retinol’s fast-acting little sister | Sali Hughes on beauty

Why it’s time to bag a high-street retinal – retinol’s fast-acting little sister | Sali Hughes on beauty

Almost every dermatologist I’ve spoken to is decidedly positive about the vitamin A derivative

The EU recently introduced a new ruling on retinoids (an umbrella term for the vitamin A derivatives used effectively on acne, lines, wrinkles, discolouration, dullness and so on). Within its member states, skincare products for face and neck sold over the counter can no longer contain more than 0.3% retinoids.

The law was made not in response to concerns around the use of them on skin specifically, but is part of a cluster of restrictions within the food, supplement and beauty industries aimed at preventing overexposure to vitamin A generally. Brands now have three years to reformulate their products, although most have seen the laws coming and are ready.

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