11 BEST JavaScript Animation Libraries 🎨✨

11 BEST JavaScript Animation Libraries 🎨✨

Animations make websites and apps fun and easy to use. They make apps feel alive, like when a button changes colour when clicked with some transition effect.

Imagine when you scroll on a website, cool animations pop up to show you where to look next, like arrows pointing the way or texts fading in.

It’s like a fun adventure guiding you through the website!

They help things move smoothly, catch attention, and guide users.

JavaScript libraries like GSAP make adding these animations easy for developers, making websites more enjoyable.

0️⃣ GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP)

A robust JavaScript library for crafting high-performance animations.

1️⃣ Anime.js

A lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple, yet powerful API.

2️⃣ Velocity.js

An animation engine with the same API as jQuery’s $.animate(), offering colour animation, transforms, loops, easings, SVG support, and scrolling.

3️⃣ Lottie

A JSON-based file format for high-quality animations, designed for cross-platform use, and easy implementation.

4️⃣ ScrollMagic

A JavaScript library for creating scroll interactions, offering easy customizability and extendability.

5️⃣ Three.js

A JavaScript library for creating and displaying animated 3D graphics in web browsers using WebGL.

6️⃣ Popmotion

A functional JavaScript motion library allows developers to animate in any JavaScript environment.

7️⃣ Mo.js

A JavaScript motion graphics library offering a different syntax and code animation structure approach.

8️⃣ Typed.js

A JavaScript library that types out sentences at a set speed, backspaces what’s typed, and begins a new sentence.

9️⃣ AniJS

A library that helps you raise your web design without coding, providing an easier way to manage animations

🔟 Framer Motion


🙌 Final Thoughts

Animation libraries like GSAP and Three.js make websites and games super cool.

They let developers make amazing things out of the box.

GSAP helps write animations, while Three.js creates stunning 3D graphics.

Example – I made a website following a tutorial from the JavaScript Mastery YouTube Channel.

It’s like Apple’s iPhone 15 Pro website clone but simpler.

I used GSAP to make cool animations, like texts fading in smoothly and Three.js to put a 3D model of the iPhone on the site, making it look super cool and realistic!

Check it out here: https://iphone-page-arjuncodess.vercel.app/
Tutorial link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRQbRAJ4-Fs/

Comment your thoughts about this new trend in the web dev space!

Okay, that’s it for today!

Connect with me @ Linktree.

Happy Coding! 🚀
Thanks for 25920! 🤗

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