11 Planetscale alternatives with free tiers

11 Planetscale alternatives with free tiers

Written by Emadamerho-Atori Nefe✏️

Planetscale is a serverless database platform that provides a fully managed and scalable MySQL-compatible database solution.

On 6 March 2024, the Planetscale team announced their decision to remove their Hobby plan — a free tier developers used to manage and deploy their serverless databases. According to Sam Lambert, the CEO of Planetscale, they made this decision to “prioritize profitability and build a company that can last forever.”

The Hobby plan is no longer available on the pricing page, and Planetscale will deprecate it on 8 April 2024. Users who haven’t migrated their Hobby databases by then will need a paid plan to access their data.

The decision to remove the Hobby plan was sudden, and with the Planetscale free plan gone, many developers are searching for alternative solutions that offer generous free tiers.

In this article, we will explore 11 Planetscale alternatives that offer free plans for performing backend and database operations. We will also explore key factors to consider when choosing a serverless database platform. Let’s dive in!


Supabase positions itself as the “open source Firebase alternative.” It was founded in 2020 and is a developer-friendly serverless database platform that supports over 20 frameworks, including popular tools like Next.js, React, Nuxt, Svelte, Flutter, and Vue.

Supabase provides integrations with third-party tools like Cloudflare Workers, Vercel, Resend, and Auth0. These integrations cover categories including API, auth, caching, data platforms, DevTools, foreign data wrappers, no-code tools, and messaging.

Supabase’s free tier offers the following:

Unlimited API requests
50,000 monthly active users
500 MB database space
2-core shared CPU
5 GB bandwidth
1 GB file storage
Unlimited users
Community support


Postgres database
Edge functions
Real-time subscriptions
Vector embeddings
Auto-generates APIs directly from database schema
Supabase CLI for local development and deployment
In-built SQL editor for writing, saving, and executing SQL queries directly from the dashboard
In-built table editor with a spreadsheet-like interface for adding, editing, and updating data


An intuitive, easy-to-navigate interface that makes it user-friendly and easy to set up projects.
Extensive documentation that facilitates learning, adopting, and integrating Supabase into your projects faster
Speeds up development and allows you to build applications without setting up servers from scratch
Automatically generates APIs based on the database schema, which eliminates the need for manual API development


Like Supabase, Xata is a serverless database platform that was founded in 2020 and supports Postgres. It combines the powers of PostgreSQL and ElasticSearch for database operations.

Xata supports several modern JavaScript frameworks, including Astro, SolidJS, SvelteKit, Nuxt, Remix, and Next.js.

Xata’s free tier offers the following:

10 database branches
High availability
Support-assisted daily backups
15 GB data storage
15 GB search engine storage
2 GB file attachments
250 AI queries per month


Postgres database
JSON-like schema definition
Supports database branching
Relational data model
Real-time data processing
Code snippet generation
File storage
Full-text search
Advanced querying capabilities like aggregations, filters, and joins
ChatGPT functionality in every database


Easy-to-navigate, spreadsheet-like UI
Ability to “chat” with your database, making it easy to gain context on old projects and onboard new teammates
Automatically generates code snippets for your database, significantly speeding up development and improving DX. Snippets are available for several languages — including Python, JavaScript, and TypeScript — as well as for the following operations:

Paginated queries
Querying all records
Getting a single record
Inserting a record
Updating a record
Deleting a record


Unlike other providers in this list, Cloudflare is not just a serverless database platform. Instead, it’s a cloud connectivity platform that provides several web services. It’s one of the world’s largest networks and serves 55 million HTTP requests per second.

Cloudflare provides several popular solutions, like Cloudflare Pages for deploying frontend applications and Cloudflare CDN for content delivery.

When it comes to serverless databases, Cloudflare offers various solutions, which each offer free tiers:

Cloudflare Workers KV: Easy-to-use, distributed, and serverless key-value storage system for applications. The free tier offers:

1 GB Key-value storage space
100,000 key-value reads per day
1,000 key-value writes per day
1,000 key-value deletes per day
1,000 key-value lists per day

Cloudflare D1: For building serverless SQL databases of any size. The free tier offers:

5 million rows read per day
100k rows written per day
5 GB monthly storage

Cloudflare R2: For creating multi-cloud architectures with an S3-compatible object storage. The free tier offers:

10 GB monthly storage

Cloudflare Durable Objects: For building collaborative editing tools, interactive chat, video conferencing, and multiplayer games. The free tier offers:

1,000,000 read request units per month
1,000,000 write requests per month
1,000,000 delete requests per month
1 GB monthly storage


SQL database
Built on SQLite
Native serverless architecture
SQL based dialect
Built-in JSON parsing and querying functions
Support for full-text search and triggers


Improved response times by storing data closer to users at Cloudflare’s edge locations
Increased reliability through automatic data replication across regions to avoid single points of failure
Natively serverless architecture that allows you to deploy databases in seconds
Point-in-time recovery, which reduces the risk of data loss
Cost savings via zero egress fees and cost-effective pricing
Seamless integration with Cloudflare’s network and other services


Render is a cloud-based application hosting and database platform for building, deploying, and scaling applications with ease. It provides enterprise-grade data stores, automatic scaling, backups, and high availability, and it supports PostgreSQL databases.

Render’s free tier offers the following:

Fully managed PostgreSQL
1 GB SSD storage
Point-in-time-recovery (PITR)


PostgreSQL database
Automatic deploys
Supports native runtimes for several languages, including Node.js, Python, Ruby
Automatic scaling based on traffic patterns
Built-in protection against Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks


Speeds up development by allowing developers to go live quickly and iterate with every code push
Offers collaboration features for teams, including project management, preview environments, and notifications


CockroachDB is an open source distributed SQL database designed for scalability and resilience. While it offers SQL databases, CockroachDB is also compatible with PostgreSQL.

CockroachDB was built with Go, supports multi-cloud deployment, and can handle millions of queries per second. It offers automatic scaling, data replication, ACID compliance, an elastic and robust data architecture, and global distribution.

CockroachDB’s free tier offers the following:

10 GB monthly storage
50 million request units per org per month
Available on GCP and AWS
SRE team support and guaranteed uptime
Auto-scales across multiple regions
Row-based data partitioning across geographies
Automated, no downtime upgrades
Daily and hourly backups


SQL databases
Provides simple, automated horizontal scale for reads and writes
Query inspection tools for finding, fixing, and optimizing problematic queries
Provides an interactive SQL playground


Allows you to start small and grow as you need
Eliminate the stress of manual sharding
Allows you to create new instances and scale without manual work
Allows you to roll software updates, patches, and schema modifications without suffering downtimes or service disruptions
Compatible with the PostgreSQL ecosystem


Neon is an open source and cloud-native serverless database platform that focuses on simplicity and ease of use. It supports Postgres databases and offers built-in features like bottomless storage, autoscaling, and branching.

Neon’s free tier offers the following:

0.5 GB storage
1 project
10 branches
Unlimited databases
Community support
Comput size: 0.25 vCPU and 1 GB RAM


Postgres database
Database branching
Incremental auto-backups
Neon CLI
AI vector store

A multi-tenant storage system that allows for unlimited storage and high availability


Provides a Git-like process for creating and managing branches, making it suitable for modern development workflows
Its generous free tier offers unlimited databases, making Neon a good choice for personal projects and MVPs
The branching feature allows you to perform A/B tests without impacting the main branch


Tembo is an open source serverless database platform for Postgres databases. It was launched in January 2023 and provides a singular Postgres-centric platform for running Postgres and its entire ecosystem, including extensions, applications, tools, and more.

Tembo’s free tier offers the following:

10+ stacks
Unlimited databases
0.25 vCPU and 1 GB memory
5 GB storage
Unlimited reads and writes
30-day log retention
Community and email support


Postgres database
Point in time recovery
Tembo CLI
Automatic API endpoint generation
Vector search and embeddings
Real-time notifications for high-volume message processing


Intuitive and elegant interface
Supports over 200 extensions from the Postgres registry


Convex is a serverless backend-as-a-service (BaaS) that is similar to Firebase and Supabase. It is specifically tailored for founders and startups.

Besides database solutions, Convex also provides capabilities like server functions, backend functionality, and authentication. It’s a frontend-development-friendly platform and supports frameworks like Next.js and React, among others.

Convex’s free tier offers the following:

2 developers in a team
5 projects in a team
1,000,000 function calls
20 GB-hours action-compute
0.5 GB database storage
1 GB database bandwidth
1 GB file storage
1 GB file bandwidth
0.25 GB vector storage
0.5 GB vector bandwidth


Real-time database
Server functions
ACID database
Vector search
Full-text search
Convex CLI
Cron jobs
File storage
Automatic caching
Authentication via custom integrations and established auth providers like Auth0 and Clerk


Seamless developer experience
Comprehensive and scalable backend solution
Real-time collaboration and communication features
Integrates seamlessly with modern frontend frameworks like React and Next.js
Cost-effective alternative to running backend infrastructure yourself


SingleStore is a distributed SQL database that offers high-throughput transactions (inserts and upserts), high performance, and real-time analytics. It provides high performance even when working with large-scale transactional workloads.

SingleStore follows the multi-model database approach, which allows you to store and access data of different types, including:

Relational (tabular data)
Time series
Key-value pairs (dictionaries or hash tables)
Documents (JSON or XML)

While SingleStore has a free tier, it does not provide data on what the free tier contains. However, the pricing page shows that SingleStore offers $600 worth of free credits. Features:

Distributed SQL database
Real-time analytics

Vector similarity search
Buttomless storage
ACID-compliant transactions
Hybrid search (vector + full-text search)
Supports several data types, including relational, JSON documents, vector data, full-text search, time-series, geospatial, and key-value data models
Universal storage architecture combining rowstores and columnstores for high transaction and analytical performance
Low-latency query performance for complex analytical queries


Real-time data processing makes it a great choice for building real-time applications
Unlimited storage and seamless scalability
Provides high performance for transactions and analytics
SingleStore’s multi-model database approach makes it a good fit for applications that require various types of data
Enterprise readiness with security, high availability, and compliance

Astro DB

Astro DB is a fast, lightweight, and fully managed SQL database. It’s the database service of Astro, a framework for building content-driven websites — like blogs, marketing, and ecommerce — with your preferred JavaScript framework. Astro DB was released on 12 March 2024.

Astro DB is powered by LibSQL, an open source fork of SQLite that was created by Turso. You can use Astro DB’s drop-in database to build features like blogs, comment functionality, forums, feedback systems, and user authentication.

An important thing to note is that Astro DB is built for the Astro ecosystem, meaning that, for now, it only works with websites built with Astro.

Astro DB’s free tier offers the following:

Unlimited databases
Unlimited applications
1 GB storage per month
1 billion row reads per month
1 million row writes per month


SQL database
A spreadsheet-like interface
Rich-text editor
Raw SQL console
Built-in Drizzle ORM client
Automatically configured TypeScript ORM with full type-safety


Powered by LibSQL for lightweight efficiency and enterprise-grade performance
Automatically scales up or down based on demand
Easy to use, as no configuration or provisioning is required
Provides TypeScript support with autocompletion and type checking
No vendor lock-in since Asro DB allows you to export data anytime
Global distribution across multiple regions
Allows you to explore your data via several methods: a spreadsheet interface, rich-text editor, and SQL console


Appwrite is an open source BaaS platform that provides services like serverless functions, serverless databases, user authentication, and messaging. Since its release, it has quickly become a popular choice for building websites and applications.

Appwrite’s serverless database service is a scalable, high-performance solution that lets you store, query, and manage structured data. It supports SQL and NoSQL database adapters like MariaDB and MySQL.

Appwrite integrates with several technologies, including Flutter, Next.js, Vue.js, SvelteKit, Nuxt, Angular, Qwik, and Astro. It also provides iOS and Android SKDS for mobile app development.

Appwrite’s free tier offers the following:

Unlimited projects (never paused)
10 GB bandwidth
2 GB storage
750K executions
75K monthly active users
Community support
Non-removable Appwrite branding
No add-ons
1 Database, 3 Buckets, and 5 Functions per project
2 webhooks per project
1 organization member
Community support


SQL and NoSQL database
Serverless functions
File uploads and storage
Real-time events
Messaging ability that allows you to send SMS, email, and push notifications through third-party providers like Twilio and Sendgrid
User authentication via social login, 2FA, email and password login, OTP-based, or Magic URL login


Provides support for many SDKs, allowing you to code and build with their preferred languages and tools
Has a large and vibrant community that continually offers support and learning resources. This has been key to Appwrite’s success and adoption
Continually innovates and launches new solutions that improve the developer experience and make it easier to build applications. An example is Appwrite 1.5, which came with messaging functionality and SSR support when released on 5 March 2024

Frontend development use cases for serverless database platforms

While serverless databases are primarily considered backend data storage solutions, they can also offer interesting capabilities for frontend developers. Let’s explore a few different ways frontend developers can use them to build scalable and efficient applications.

Real-time data synchronization and processing

Many serverless platforms like Supabase, Convex, and Appwrite provide real-time functionality and allow you to subscribe directly to data changes and receive live updates. This enables powerful real-time features like collaborative editing, multiplayer games, chat applications, and live dashboards and monitoring.

Offline data access & sync

With serverless database platforms, applications can read and write data while offline. The client synchronizes those changes when online since the serverless solution automatically syncs the cache. This offline data persistence is crucial for mobile apps, progressive web apps, or any application that needs to function with unreliable network connectivity.

User authentication

While not a core feature of serverless database platforms, some solutions provide user authentication functionalities. They allow you to pick your preferred authentication workflow, whether email/password, Google, Facebook, GitHub, etc. This removes the need to create complex authentication flows from scratch.

Solutions like Supabase and Appwrite provide built-in authentication functionality, while Xata allows you to integrate with third-party authentication tools.

Rapid prototyping

The low setup overhead of serverless databases makes them ideal for rapidly prototyping new ideas or MVPs (minimum viable products). You can spin up a real-time database in minutes, allowing you to quickly validate concepts and build prototypes.

Factors to consider when choosing a serverless database platform

Let’s explore some key factors to consider when choosing between a serverless database platform:

Pricing: Evaluate the pricing models of different platforms, including the cost of their compute resources, storage, data transfer, and any additional features or add-ons. Considering your project’s budget and growth projections will help you select a platform that aligns with your budget
Scalability: Scalability is essential to handle growing data volumes and user traffic. Ensure that the serverless database platform offers automatic scaling capabilities, allowing your application to handle increased demand without performance degradation
Security: Consider the platform’s security measures like encryption at rest and in transit, access controls, and backups. Also, assess whether the platform adheres to industry standards that ensure your data remains secure and protected
Ease of use: Consider the platform’s ease of use, including the availability of user-friendly interfaces, documentation, and developer tools. Assess the learning curve and determine if the platform offers resources and support to help you get started quickly
Available features and functionality: Evaluate whether the platform’s features and functionality align with your project requirements. For example, if you need real-time functionality and authentication, consider using Supabase and Appwrite. However, if you need the ability to query ChatGPT against your database, choose Xata and its AI-generation capabilities

Data model support: Ensure that the database platform supports the data model(s) you need for your application. Some platforms specialize in document databases (e.g., MongoDB), while others offer key-value stores, relational models, or a multilingual approach supporting multiple data models

To that end, let’s see how the Planetscale alternatives we’ve discussed compare when it comes to these factors:


Pricing beyond free tier



Data model support


Starts at $25/month

Adheres to global security standards

Authentication, edge functions, real-time subscriptions, storage, vector embeddings, auto-generates APIs, CLI, SQL editor, table editor



Starts at $20/month

Adheres to global security standards

JSON-like schema definition, database branching, relational data model, real-time data processing, code snippet generation, file storage, ChatGPT functionality



Starts at $5/month

Adheres to global security standards

Native serverless architecture, SQL based dialect, JSON parsing, support for full-text search and triggers



Starts at $19/user/month

Adheres to global security standards

Automatic deploys, supports native runtimes for several languages, automatic scaling



Starts at $295/month

Adheres to global security standards

Horizontal scaling for reads and writes, query inspection tools, interactive SQL playground



Starts at $19/month

Adheres to global security standards

Autoscaling, database branching, auto-backups, CLI, AI vector store, multi-tenant storage



Starts at $35/month

Adheres to global security standards

Point in time recovery, CLI, auto-generated API endpoints, vector search, real-time notifications



Starts at $25/user/month

Adheres to global security standards

Server functions, ACID database. vector search, Full-text search, CLI, cron jobs, file storage, automatic caching



Starts at $0.80/hr

Adheres to global security standards

Real-time analytics, vector similarity search, buttomless storage, ACID-compliant transactions, supports several data types,

Distributed SQL

Astro DB

Free, then pay as you go

Data unavailable

Spreadsheet UI, rich-text editor, SQL console, Drizzle ORM client, TypeScript ORM



Starts at $15/user/month

Adheres to global security standards

Serverless functions, file uploads and storage, real-time events, messaging, and authentication


Note that all of these tools offer scalability features, and their ease of use may depend on many factors, so these have been excluded from the table above.


There are multiple serverless database platforms to choose from, and picking the right solution can be tricky. This article will serve as a guide and help you streamline the decision-making process.

You can safely use the free tiers of any of the 11 Planetscale alternatives covered in this article to build your next project, whether an ecommerce app, chatbot, inventory system, or the next unicorn SaaS app. And if the serverless database platform you choose happens to end its free plan like Planetscale did, you have 10 other options to explore.

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