Ofcom considers sanction against GB News for breaking impartiality rules

Ofcom considers sanction against GB News for breaking impartiality rules

Regulator says channel breached rules by failing to sufficiently challenge Rishi Sunak’s views in February broadcast

Ofcom is considering a statutory sanction against GB News over “serious and repeated” breaches of British television laws relating to the channel’s lack of impartiality.

The media regulator said the channel breached regulations by allowing the Conservative prime minister, Rishi Sunak, to be interviewed on air without sufficient challenge to his views.

Audience members were not able to challenge the prime minister’s responses and the presenter Stephen Dixon – a former Sky News host – did not push back to any “meaningful extent”.

The prime minister was able to set out future policies he planned to implement if re-elected. Neither the audience nor the presenter challenged or otherwise referred to significant alternative views on these.

Sunak criticised aspects of Labour’s policies and performance – but neither Labour’s views or positions on those issues were included in the programme.

GB News did not include a reference in the programme to an agreed future programme in which a wide range of significant views on the major matter would be given due weight.

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