Quitting and letting go of unachievable goals, such as running the country, can boost wellbeing | Torsten Bell

Quitting and letting go of unachievable goals, such as running the country, can boost wellbeing | Torsten Bell

Staying put offers few benefits, research finds, while letting go of unachievable aims, such as being prime minister, feels good

In the aftermath of the pandemic there was much talk of a “great resignation” as people re- evaluated their lives. More columns were written about it than evidence that it was happening in the UK. Now, a great resignation is under way – of MPs. The number exiting ahead of polling day surpassed 1997’s exodus of 117, Michael Gove being the highest profile to stampede out.

Economists have an unusual take on quitting: it’s a good thing, indicating a strong economy with confident workers (though bad if one particular firm, or party, is haemorrhaging people).

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