Make the Tories pay for their crimes against Britain | Letters

Make the Tories pay for their crimes against Britain | Letters

Readers respond to Jonathan Freedland’s call for voters to make this a ‘punishment election’ for the Conservative party

Yes, Jonathan Freedland, the Tories’ cruelty, neglect and lies are appalling, but they didn’t start 14 years ago (Make this the punishment election – damning the Tories for 14 years of cruelty and lies, 24 May). It was between 1979 and 1997, when they last held power, that the Tories began to degrade everything they touched.

Two items Freedland mentions – rivers and seas polluted with sewage, and the lack of affordable housing – can be traced directly to the privatisation of public assets. We should see that as theft. No matter how hard we punish the Tories, even if they never have power again, it’s hard to see how we can regain even the assets given away in the last century, let alone those we are still losing. The long list only starts with libraries, swimming pools and playgrounds. It includes family centres, youth clubs, theatre, art, music, health, heritage, trust, decency – life’s essential services, assets and resources shrivelled, as Freedland says, by deliberate neglect.

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