There are three ways for Labour to head off looming disaster over Diane Abbott – but there’s not much time | Simon Woolley

There are three ways for Labour to head off looming disaster over Diane Abbott – but there’s not much time | Simon Woolley

The party seems unaware of the anger from those who fear that a pioneer and others like her have been targeted. It must wise up fast

After one week of campaigning, and successfully so, Keir Starmer is discovering there are some events that defy storyboarding and scrupulous choreography. He clearly had no inkling that on Wednesday, as he took his battlebus and trusted lieutenants to Wales, he would be talking not just about his six steps for the beginnings of a Labour government but would also be forced to address the wide and growing, and increasingly vociferous, concerns about his treatment of the Black Labour veteran, and my friend, Diane Abbott.

And yet the problem here is that the perfect storm that now surrounds the pioneering MP and the party leader desperate for a decisive, steady-as-she-goes election is one that could and should have been planned for. It was foreseeable, maybe even predictable.

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