At long last, ‘Teflon Don’ Trump couldn’t unstick himself from the legal system | Margaret Sullivan

At long last, ‘Teflon Don’ Trump couldn’t unstick himself from the legal system | Margaret Sullivan

In a divided world that can’t seem to agree on a single fact, we now have one that is impossible to argue with: Trump is a felon

For decades, he skated. Nothing seemed to stick to the Teflon-coated businessman-turned-president. The guy who didn’t pay his bills, who constantly lied, who mocked a disabled journalist, who insulted a Gold Star family, who bragged about grabbing women by their private parts, who praised dictators, who urged a violent mob to overturn an election, who was unperturbed as his own vice-president was threatened with hanging.

Yes, he skated – through two impeachments, through countless investigations and accusations, and through so much chaos that responsible US citizens became almost numb and hopeless.

Margaret Sullivan is a Guardian US columnist writing on media, politics and culture

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