Amy Poehler: ‘If we want young people to fix everything, why do we make fun of them?’

Amy Poehler: ‘If we want young people to fix everything, why do we make fun of them?’

She’s the voice of Joy in Pixar’s Inside Out 2 – but Poehler has more complicated emotions on her mind. The SNL star talks teen angst and clueless grownups in a non-binary world

Britain is ruled by three emotions, says Amy Poehler: “Sadness, anger, fear.” Plus some disgust, too. She’s kidding! She’s also not kidding. But we can take it, right?

“Frankly, I think the UK is excellent at gentle teasing that I really love,” she says. “It feels very familiar. You have to give it to each other in a good way. That’s how you respect each other. You don’t poke fun at people you don’t think can take it.”

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