A Banquet to Inception: the seven best films to watch on TV this week

A Banquet to Inception: the seven best films to watch on TV this week

Ruth Paxton’s psychological horror is a gut-wrencher, and Leonardo DiCaprio invades your dreams in the Christopher Nolan gobsmacker. You’ve not lived until you’ve seen a Paris arrondissement fold in on itself …

One night at a party, teenager Betsey (Jessica Alexander) walks into the woods and walks out a changed person. She stops eating and shows all the signs of a mental health crisis, but tells her worried mum Holly (a convincingly frazzled Sienna Guillory) that she has been gifted prophetic, apocalyptic visions. Ruth Paxton’s disquieting psychological horror teases a supernatural answer to Betsey’s symptoms, but it is mainly a gut-wrenching tale of anorexia and how it can affect those around the patient. Guillory is fantastic as the single mother striving to hold her family together but being drawn into her child’s fantasies – at the cost of her own sanity.
Friday 24 May, 11.10pm, Film4

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