What is Google One?

What is Google One?

Google offers a range of productivity products, across Drive, Gmail, and Photos, and with all of it, storage is a consideration. Every Google account hands users 15 gigabytes of free cloud storage across these products, but for many, this isn’t enough. Enter Google One, the company’s subscription cloud storage service. Here’s a guide to the…

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Boris Becker a scăpat de faliment

Boris Becker a scăpat de faliment

Boris Becker a scăpat de faliment. Justiţia britanică a decis să încheie procedura de faliment personal care îl viza pe fostul mare tenisman german Boris Becker (56 ani), ca urmare a unui acord cu administratorii săi judiciari, a anunţat, joi, avocatul său, citat de AFP. Procedura de insolvabilitate deschisă în 2017 împotriva fostului lider mondial…

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