Backyard discovery has retired geologist believing he’s found Bronze Age arrowhead and more

Backyard discovery has retired geologist believing he’s found Bronze Age arrowhead and more

A retired geologist has claimed he’s found a lost Bronze Age settlement in his backyard — after learning to identify artifacts by watching “Time Team,” a popular TV series in the U.K. that features specialists who work to uncover details about Britain’s archaeology and history.  Andrew Beckly of Wellington, in Somerset, England, has amassed a…

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GREG GUTFELD: Our campuses are occupied and our streets are being overrun with ‘wild-eyed Jew haters’

GREG GUTFELD: Our campuses are occupied and our streets are being overrun with ‘wild-eyed Jew haters’

Let’s do a monologue. So, America, whatever happened to white supremacy? Remember when the Biden White House said the number one domestic threat facing the nation was “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists who advocate for the superiority of the white race”? Ah, the good old days.  It turned out the number one threat to…

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Israel erwägt vor Rafah-Angriff neuen Geisel-Deal

Israel erwägt vor Rafah-Angriff neuen Geisel-Deal

Zahlreiche Zivilisten sollen Rafah vor Israels angekündigter Militäroffensive schon verlassen haben. Kommt in letzter Minute doch noch eine Feuerpause zustande? Die News im Überblick. Kurz vor Israels erwarteter Bodenoffensive in Rafah im Süden des Gazastreifens gibt es Medienberichten zufolge neue Anzeichen für Bewegung bei den festgefahrenen Verhandlungen über eine Feuerpause. Israels Regierung ist demnach bereit,…

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