‘Billy does an act called Scream Along With Billy’: Jack Pierson’s best photograph

‘Billy does an act called Scream Along With Billy’: Jack Pierson’s best photograph

‘He is the ultimate outlaw, one of the most brash and sparkling acts I’ve ever encountered, performing rock albums in a cabaret style. But I wanted this image to be clean, simple and free of narrative’

Provincetown is a fishing village turned art colony at the tip of Cape Cod, a curling peninsula on America’s north-eastern coast. In US terms, it’s an old town, and since the first half of the 20th century, it has been a haven for artists, musicians, queer people and bohemians who descend on the town every summer.

Tennessee Williams lived there, lots of the abstract expressionists holidayed there, and the Velvet Underground played there in the 1960s. There’s a cultural pedigree to the place that has made it a magnet for creative people, including the man in this image, my friend and fellow artist, Billy Hough.

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