How to upgrade your Angular web project from Angular V13 to Angular V17

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Upgrading an Angular project from version 13 to version 17 involves a series of steps that include updating dependencies, resolving potential compatibility issues, and updating code accordingly. Here are the steps you can follow to upgrade your Angular web project:

Step 1: Update Angular and CLI Dependencies

The first step in upgrading your Angular project is to update the Angular and Angular CLI dependencies in your package.json file. You can do this by running the following commands in your project directory:

npm install @angular/core@latest @angular/cli@latest –save

This will install the latest versions of Angular and Angular CLI in your project. Make sure to check the official Angular release notes to see what changes have been made in the new versions.

Step 2: Update Other Dependencies

Next, you need to update other dependencies in your project, such as Angular Material, RxJS, and any other third-party libraries you may be using. You can do this by running the following command in your project directory:

npm update

This will update all the dependencies in your project to their latest versions.

Step 3: Resolve Compatibility Issues

Upgrading Angular from version 13 to 17 may introduce some compatibility issues with your existing codebase. To resolve these issues, you can use the Angular CLI’s built-in tool called “ng update” which will analyze your project and suggest changes to make your code compatible with the new version.

To use this tool, run the following command in your project directory:

ng update @angular/core@latest @angular/cli@latest

This will analyze your code and suggest any necessary changes. Make sure to review these changes carefully and apply them to your codebase.

Step 4: Update Angular Animations Package

Starting from Angular 16, Angular has moved its animation utilities to a new package called “@angular/animations”. If your project is using animations, you will need to update your code to use this new package.

To do this, run the following command in your project directory:

npm install @angular/animations@latest –save

Then, update your code to import animations from “@angular/animations” instead of “@angular/core”.

Step 5: Update TypeScript

Angular 17 requires TypeScript version 4.3 or later. If you have an older version of TypeScript installed in your project, you will need to update it. You can do this by running the following command in your project directory:

npm install typescript@latest –save-dev

Step 6: Update Angular CLI

Angular CLI is constantly evolving, and newer versions may introduce new features and improvements. After updating your project to Angular 17, it is recommended to also update the Angular CLI to its latest version. You can do this by running the following command:

npm install @angular/cli@latest –save-dev

Step 7: Test and Fix Any Remaining Issues

After completing all the above steps, it is time to test your application thoroughly and fix any remaining issues, bugs, or errors. Make sure to check the browser console for any errors and fix them accordingly.

Angular Web Development Demystified: A Step-by-Step Guide for Absolute Beginners


Upgrading your Angular project from version 13 to version 17 involves updating dependencies, resolving compatibility issues, and updating code. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to smoothly upgrade your Angular project. It is always recommended to test your application thoroughly after upgrading to ensure everything is working as expected

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