How VChart line charts support emphasizing a certain point

How VChart line charts support emphasizing a certain point


Does vchart support emphasizing a certain point in a line chart?


I’m using vchart to create a line chart and I’m wondering if it’s possible to emphasize a certain point in the chart.


Yes, it’s possible to achieve this. You can use the opacity and size options to highlight a certain point based on its data. By setting the opacity and size of the point, it will stand out more.

You can refer to the following link for more information on how to configure the mark function of a chart element:

Code Example

const spec = {
type: ‘line’,
data: {
values: [
{ type: ‘Nail polish’, country: ‘Africa’, value: 4229 },
{ type: ‘Nail polish’, country: ‘EU’, value: 4376 },
{ type: ‘Nail polish’, country: ‘China’, value: 3054 },
{ type: ‘Nail polish’, country: ‘USA’, value: 12814 },
{ type: ‘Eyebrow pencil’, country: ‘Africa’, value: 3932 },
{ type: ‘Eyebrow pencil’, country: ‘EU’, value: 3987 },
{ type: ‘Eyebrow pencil’, country: ‘China’, value: 5067 },
{ type: ‘Eyebrow pencil’, country: ‘USA’, value: 13012 },
{ type: ‘Rouge’, country: ‘Africa’, value: 5221 },
{ type: ‘Rouge’, country: ‘EU’, value: 3574 },
{ type: ‘Rouge’, country: ‘China’, value: 7004 },
{ type: ‘Rouge’, country: ‘USA’, value: 11624 },
{ type: ‘Lipstick’, country: ‘Africa’, value: 9256 },
{ type: ‘Lipstick’, country: ‘EU’, value: 4376 },
{ type: ‘Lipstick’, country: ‘China’, value: 9054 },
{ type: ‘Lipstick’, country: ‘USA’, value: 8814 },
{ type: ‘Eyeshadows’, country: ‘Africa’, value: 3308 },
{ type: ‘Eyeshadows’, country: ‘EU’, value: 4572 },
{ type: ‘Eyeshadows’, country: ‘China’, value: 12043 },
{ type: ‘Eyeshadows’, country: ‘USA’, value: 12998 },
{ type: ‘Eyeliner’, country: ‘Africa’, value: 5432 },
{ type: ‘Eyeliner’, country: ‘EU’, value: 3417 },
{ type: ‘Eyeliner’, country: ‘China’, value: 15067 },
{ type: ‘Eyeliner’, country: ‘USA’, value: 12321 },
{ type: ‘Foundation’, country: ‘Africa’, value: 13701 },
{ type: ‘Foundation’, country: ‘EU’, value: 5231 },
{ type: ‘Foundation’, country: ‘China’, value: 10119 },
{ type: ‘Foundation’, country: ‘USA’, value: 10342 },
{ type: ‘Lip gloss’, country: ‘Africa’, value: 4008 },
{ type: ‘Lip gloss’, country: ‘EU’, value: 4572 },
{ type: ‘Lip gloss’, country: ‘China’, value: 12043 },
{ type: ‘Lip gloss’, country: ‘USA’, value: 22998 },
{ type: ‘Mascara’, country: ‘Africa’, value: 18712 },
{ type: ‘Mascara’, country: ‘EU’, value: 6134 },
{ type: ‘Mascara’, country: ‘China’, value: 10419 },
{ type: ‘Mascara’, country: ‘USA’, value: 11261 }
percent: true,
xField: ‘type’,
yField: ‘value’,
seriesField: ‘country’,
animationAppear: {
duration: 1500,
easing: ‘linear’
point: {
style: {
opacity: (datum) => {
return datum.type === ‘Eyeliner’ && === ‘EU’ ? 1 : 0.6
size: (datum) => {
return datum.type === ‘Eyeliner’ && === ‘EU’ ? 10 : 6
stroke: false
legends: [{ visible: true, position: ‘middle’, orient: ‘bottom’ }],
axes: [
orient: ‘left’,
label: {
formatMethod(val) {
return `${(val * 100).toFixed(2)}%`;

const vchart = new VChart(spec, { dom: CONTAINER_ID });



After running the code, the points in the Eyeliner dimension of the EU line segment are emphasized.

Online demo:

Related Documents

VChart mark function configuration:

VChart Github: GitHub – VisActor/VChart: VChart, more than just a cross-platform charting library, but also an expressive data storyteller.

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