Integrating Firebase Storage for Real-Time Document Upload Status in JavaScript

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Here at, we have developed over thirty applications with Next.js and Firebase, gaining extensive insights into efficient cloud integration and real-time data handling. This article explores a practical implementation of Firebase Storage for document uploads and real-time progress tracking in a web application.

Understanding the Code

The code snippet provided is a JavaScript function that uploads a file to Firebase Storage and monitors its upload progress in real-time. Here’s a breakdown:

Firebase Storage Setup: We import ref and uploadBytesResumable from ‘firebase/storage’, essential for creating a reference to our desired storage location and handling the actual upload process, respectively.

Configure Firebase Storage Reference: ref(storage,/documents/${}) sets up a specific path in the Firebase storage bucket, here tailored to store documents based on their file names.

Initiate Upload Task: uploadBytesResumable(storageRef, file) begins the upload of the file. This function is particularly useful for larger files as it supports pause, resume, and recovery from network interruptions.

Upload Progress Listener: uploadTask.on(‘state_changed’, callback) attaches a listener that triggers callbacks during the upload process. The callbacks handle success, progress tracking, and errors.

The progress is calculated and logged, showing how much of the file has been uploaded as a percentage.
Errors during the upload process are caught and logged, providing immediate feedback on what might have gone wrong.

Practical Applications

This functionality is key for web applications that handle file uploads, providing end-users with feedback about the status of their uploads, which improves the user experience significantly. It’s especially valuable in environments where network stability is an issue, allowing for smooth recovery and continuation of uploads.


Incorporating Firebase Storage for document uploads offers a robust solution for handling files in web applications. Whether you’re dealing with small text files or large multimedia uploads, Firebase provides the tools necessary for efficient and user-friendly file management. To see this code and other real-life applications in action, visit our projects like English Adjectives Explorer, Browser Archive Unpacker, and Multilingual Word Explorer.

By leveraging Firebase’s powerful features, developers can enhance their applications, offering secure, scalable, and efficient file storage solutions.

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