JavaScript prototypal and classical inheritance

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Hello fellow JavaScript enthusiasts! Today, let’s dive into the fascinating world of prototypal and classical inheritance in JavaScript. Understanding these two concepts is crucial in mastering the language and writing clean, reusable code.

Classical Inheritance:
In classical inheritance, objects are created from classes, which act as blueprints for creating instances. JavaScript, being a prototype-based language, doesn’t have built-in class support like languages such as Java or C++. However, we can still achieve classical inheritance using constructor functions and the new keyword.

Let’s consider a real-world scenario: creating a class for animals. We can define a Animal class with properties like name and sound, as well as a method called makeSound():

function Animal(name, sound) { = name;
this.sound = sound;

Animal.prototype.makeSound = function() {

const cat = new Animal(Cat, Meow);
cat.makeSound(); // Output: “Meow”

Here, we created an instance of the Animal class using the new keyword and passed in the name and sound values. The makeSound() method is defined on the prototype, which allows all instances of Animal to share this method.

Prototypal Inheritance:
Prototypal inheritance is the natural way of creating objects in JavaScript. In this approach, objects inherit directly from other objects, known as prototypes. Each object can act as a prototype for other objects, allowing for a chain of inheritance.

Let’s continue with our animal example and introduce a new class called Dog. We can create a Dog object that inherits properties and methods from the Animal class:

const animal = {
makeSound() {

const dog = Object.create(animal); = Dog;
dog.sound = Woof;
dog.makeSound(); // Output: “Woof”

In this example, we created an animal object with a makeSound() method. We then used Object.create() to create a new dog object and set its name and sound properties. The dog object inherits the makeSound() method from the animal object.

One key difference between classical and prototypal inheritance is that classical inheritance focuses on class hierarchies, while prototypal inheritance focuses on object hierarchies. Prototypal inheritance provides a more flexible and dynamic way of creating objects.

Both prototypal and classical inheritance have their merits and can be utilized based on the specific requirements of your project. Understanding the concepts and knowing when to use each approach will make you a more proficient JavaScript developer.

That’s all for today’s blog post! I hope this explanation and the accompanying code examples have shed some light on the concepts of prototypal and classical inheritance in JavaScript.

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