Mood music that hits the wrong note in hospital | Letters

Mood music that hits the wrong note in hospital | Letters

Readers respond to Nell Frizzell’s article on pop music being played as she waited for a medical appointment

If you think listening to Carly Rae Jepsen in a hospital waiting room is bad (Sweating with fear, I waited to hear the doctor’s verdict. Then the radio started playing Call Me Maybe …, 13 March), try being wheeled in for an abortion to the sound of – I kid you not – Barry White. A moment so surreal that I often think I must have imagined it. But I know it happened because it was before they gave me the drugs. Everything went smoothly, as you can imagine.
Name and address supplied

• Eight years ago in Fairbanks, Alaska, I was about to go under to have a cataract removed. I was asked what music I’d like. The Buena Vista Social Club, I replied. Less than 60 seconds later, I drifted off to those warm notes before I had time to be surprised that first, the specialist knew of it, and second, that they had it to hand. I like to think my improved eyesight owes a little to that relaxing music.
Flora Grabowska
Crovie, Aberdeenshire

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