All About Custom Hooks: Supercharge Your React Components

All About Custom Hooks: Supercharge Your React Components

Introduction Welcome to the world of React custom hooks! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deep into the realm of custom hooks, exploring how they empower developers to write cleaner, more reusable code in React applications. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your journey with React, understanding custom hooks is key to unlocking…

RMAG news

Java Concepts

Garbage collection in Java is the automated process of deleting code that’s no longer needed or used. This automatically frees up memory space and ideally makes coding Java apps easier for developers. The garbage collection implementation lives in the JVM. We can also request JVM to run Garbage Collector. There are two ways to do it…

Cinco megaterremotos destruyeron la ciudad-Estado de Teotihuacán

Cinco megaterremotos destruyeron la ciudad-Estado de Teotihuacán

Por qué desapareció la impresionante ciudad-Estado de Teotihuacán ―uno de los centros de poder prehispánicos más importantes de Centroamérica― es uno de los grandes misterios de la arqueología mundial. Los expertos coinciden en que pasó de albergar más de 100.000 habitantes en el siglo II a poco menos de 5.000 en el VII. ¿Guerras, epidemias?…

Lavender, la inteligencia artificial de Israel que decide a quién se bombardea en Gaza

Lavender, la inteligencia artificial de Israel que decide a quién se bombardea en Gaza

Israel ha cruzado una línea más en la automatización de la guerra. Sus Fuerzas Armadas han desarrollado un programa apoyado en inteligencia artificial (IA) para seleccionar las víctimas de sus bombardeos, un proceso que tradicionalmente exige comprobaciones manuales de indicios hasta verificar que un objetivo merece serlo. Bautizado como Lavender (lavanda), este sistema marcó durante…

RMAG news

What is the importance of learning linear algebra for data science?

When it comes to data science, many people tend to overlook the importance of linear algebra, whether in the broader field or in specific sub-fields like natural language processing, machine learning, or computer vision. This oversight is understandable, as modern tools and frameworks often abstract away the underlying mathematical principles that drive these algorithms. It…

RMAG news

ML Algorithms

Naive Bayes One of the most widely used predictive analytics models, the forecast model deals in metric value prediction, estimating numeric value for new data based on learnings from historical data. This model can be applied wherever historical numerical data is available. Know More: Forecast model logistic regression classifier Artificial Neural network Decision tree algorithm…

California continues bottom-dwelling economic ranking

California continues bottom-dwelling economic ranking

At least California didn’t place last among the 50 states. It scored only 47th in the new Economic Outlook Ranking of the 17th Edition of Rich States, Poor States: The ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index. In 50th and worst place was New York, followed by Vermont and Illinois. Although this year California dropped from 45th…

Harry Kane contra el Arsenal y contra la crisis del Bayern

Harry Kane contra el Arsenal y contra la crisis del Bayern

“¿Diría que su temporada está siendo un fracaso?”, preguntó el periodista a Harry Kane, este martes. “Depende de qué entienda usted por fracaso”, respondió el delantero más eficaz de Europa. “Todos queremos ganar trofeos, pero yo valoro el proceso”. Seguir leyendo

La doble tarea de Jude Bellingham

La doble tarea de Jude Bellingham

Jude Bellingham salió al Etihad casi el último del Real Madrid al entrenamiento previo contra el City, dando una carrerita para no demorarse a la breve charla de Carlo Ancelotti. Durante el partido, el inglés escuchará el Hey Jude beatlemaniaco, pero esta vez no será para él. Los aficionados citizen siguen haciendo suyo el gran…

Un desafío enorme para el Real Madrid

Un desafío enorme para el Real Madrid

“Competir, luchar y tener confianza”, proclamó este martes Carlo Ancelotti, en la previa de un desafío enorme para el Real Madrid, ganarle al Manchester City en su casa la eliminatoria de cuartos de la Champions tras el 3-3 del Bernabéu. En los últimos días, la invocación del italiano a grandes valores colectivos ha resultado constante….

Los bancos no podrán ceder a terceros las hipotecas con aval del Estado para jóvenes

Los bancos no podrán ceder a terceros las hipotecas con aval del Estado para jóvenes

El Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO) y la banca española trabajan para cerrar el convenio regulador de las hipotecas para jóvenes avaladas por el Estado. Todavía existen algunos escollos técnicos por resolver, principalmente en el impacto que pueda tener sobre provisiones al incrementarse el riesgo estimado de estas operaciones, según fuentes conocedoras de la negociación….

Elogio y misterio del policial británico

Elogio y misterio del policial británico

Plano aéreo de un Londres nocturno. Un coche negro y grande avanza por la autopista de circunvalación. Lo conduce Peter Capaldi. Lleva en el asiento de atrás a una pareja que se burla de su cara de enterrador. Capaldi calla, los ignora y sonríe sin sonreír, la vista entrecerrada, atento a todo y despegado del…

Trotz eskalierender Krise: Premier Ciolacu unternimmt Nahost-Tour

Trotz eskalierender Krise: Premier Ciolacu unternimmt Nahost-Tour

Bukarest (ADZ) – Außenamt und Verteidigungsministerium haben sich am Montag auf Hochtouren der geplanten Nahost-Tour von Premierminister Marcel Ciolacu (PSD) gewidmet, der am Dienstag in Katar zu einem zweitägigen Besuch erwartet wurde und anschließend in die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate weiterreisen will. Der Regierungschef werde fortwährend über die Evolution der Sicherheitslage im Nahen Osten informiert, verlauteten…

RMAG news

Rays defeat the Angels in 13 innings

Amed Rosario drove in the winning run with an infield single as the Rays scored twice in the 13th to beat the Angels.

Regimentele grănicerești românești din Transilvania

Regimentele grănicerești românești din Transilvania

În 16 aprilie 1762 au fost înființate printr-un decret imperial, semnat de împărăteasa Maria Terezia, regimentele grănicerești românești. Regimentul I a avut sediul la Orlat, iar Regimentul II la Năsăud. Începea, pentru comunitățile românești și secuiești militarizate din Transilvania, o perioadă de modernizare, care va influența pozitiv evoluția din Transilvania, până în zilele noastre. Militarizarea…

VIDEO: Man changes clothes to sneak past BCSO deputies during stop

VIDEO: Man changes clothes to sneak past BCSO deputies during stop

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – An auto theft investigation turned into Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office deputies chasing a suspect through a hotel in Uptown before deputies shot the suspect trying to steal a BCSO vehicle. Back in February, deputies with the auto theft unit initially tried to stop 39-year-old Lupe Vargas for an ineligible temporary tag. Instead,…

What is Promise in Javascript with real world example

What is Promise in Javascript with real world example

Introduction to Promise in JavaScript Asynchronous programming is a fundamental aspect of JavaScript, as it allows for non-blocking operations and enhances the overall performance of web applications. However, handling asynchronous operations can become complex and lead to “callback hell” or nested callbacks. To address this issue and provide a more structured approach, Promises were introduced…

RMAG news

21 Data Science Terms Everyone Should Know

You’d agree that every field has their set of special words or expressions used that are difficult for others to understand. In the realm of business, phrases such as ‘trim the fat,’ ‘S.W.O.T.,’ ‘pain point,’ and ‘white paper’ are commonly tossed around as industry jargon. So, as you’d have guessed, Data Science just like every…

NM State Police: 2 people arrested in connection with Las Cruces stash house

NM State Police: 2 people arrested in connection with Las Cruces stash house

EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) — Two people have been arrested by New Mexico State Police officers in connection with hiding undocumented migrants at a stash house in Las Cruces, according to NSMP. On Friday, March 12, an NMSP officer made a traffic stop on Interstate 10 west of Las Cruces. The occupants of the vehicle…

RMAG news

How to use htmx with ktor

1 Clone this repo and open in intellij 2 In the root of that project folder, create input.txt and add the component/html that you want to convert (feel free to pick a component from tailwind), run main in that project and it’ll be converted to kotlin ktor html DSL in output.txt (basically, that’s the…

Sen. Bob Menendez may blame his wife Nadine during federal corruption trial: court docs

Sen. Bob Menendez may blame his wife Nadine during federal corruption trial: court docs

Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., is expected to blame his wife during his federal corruption trial as part of a defense strategy, newly-unsealed court documents reveal. In court documents obtained by Fox News Digital, attorneys for Sen. Menendez argued for his case to be severed because of his intention to introduce evidence that would imply his wife,…

RMAG news

Românii care nu primesc bani în plus după recalcularea pensiilor. Ce spune legea din 2024, care sunt oropsiții

În 2024, procesul de recalculare a pensiilor în România va avea loc după finalizarea digitalizării și evaluării dosarelor de pensie. Conform programului anunțat, Casa Națională de Pensii Publice (CNPP) va începe distribuirea sumelor majorate către bănci și Poșta Română la jumătatea lunii august. Acest proces are ca scop ajustarea pensiilor în conformitate cu noile reglementări,…