US congressional delegation reaffirms defense support for Taiwan

US congressional delegation reaffirms defense support for Taiwan

A bipartisan U.S. congressional delegation pledged continued support for Taiwan on Thursday, days after Congress approved $300 million in military aid for the self-governed island that’s claimed by China. Congress also approved $400 million on Saturday to counter the Chinese government’s influence in the region, as part of its Defense Appropriations Act. China regards Taiwan…

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Documentarul de pe Netflix din care afli misterele aurului din Transilvania: Secretele comorilor ascunse din România

Documentarul de pe Netflix „The Hunt for Transylvanian Gold” (Vânătoarea pentru Aurul Transilvaniei) reprezintă o incursiune fascinantă în trecutul tumultuos și plin de mister al Transilvaniei, dezvăluind povestea incredibilă a unui tezaur pierdut și eforturile de a-l găsi. Documentarul de pe Netflix despre țara noastră Lansat în 2022, acest documentar își propune să arunce lumină…

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White House still insists ‘Bidenomics’ is effective despite Democrats all but ditching slogan: Report

White House still insists ‘Bidenomics’ is effective despite Democrats all but ditching slogan: Report

The Biden White House is still insisting on the effectiveness of the slogan “Bidenomics” even though Democrats and the president himself have barely used the term in months, a new report shows. According to Axios, President Biden has only used the word “Bidenomics” one time in two months, with the report claiming that the only…

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Australian soccer club with several transgender players dominates women’s tournament, sparking outrage

Australian soccer club with several transgender players dominates women’s tournament, sparking outrage

An Australian soccer team caused controversy on social media earlier week as its club with five transgender soccer players dominated a women’s preseason tournament. Flying Bats FC won the Beryl Ackroyd Cup final over the Macquarie Dragons 4-0 and were given a $1,000 prize, according to The club went undefeated over the course of…

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