Laken Riley amendment at center of Senate standoff in partial government shutdown battle

Laken Riley amendment at center of Senate standoff in partial government shutdown battle

An amendment named after slain Augusta University 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley from Georgia is at the center of a Senate showdown over the $1.2 trillion spending package that must pass before midnight to avoid a partial government shutdown.  The Laken Riley Act has been introduced as an amendment to the six-bill appropriations package by…

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Se ține de cuvânt Borcea? Cum a reacționat când a auzit că Dinamo va avea stadion nou + Apariție lângă copilul venit din SUA

Se ține de cuvânt Borcea? Cum a reacționat când a auzit că Dinamo va avea stadion nou + Apariție lângă copilul venit din SUA

Cristi Borcea, fostul finanțator al lui Dinamo, a fost unul dintre oaspeții-surpriză de la amicalul României cu Irlanda de Nord (1-1). Apariția lui Borcea pe Arena Națională s-a consumat la o zi după ce Guvernul României a aprobat indicatorii tehnico-economici pentru construirea noului stadion din șoseaua Ștefan cel Mare. …

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Rmag Breaking News

Setup Nx lib and EXLA to run NX/AXON with CUDA

Steps for you setup and run Machine Learning with Axon or simple Nx script with EXLA on CUDA (GPU). Setup CUDA on local machine. For case you want to try run model on GPU (Linux/Ubuntu) you need setup CUDA environment follow steps. wget sudo mv /etc/apt/preferences.d/cuda-repository-pin-600 wget sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu2204-11-8-local_118.0-520.61.05-1_amd64.deb sudo…

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Kate Middleton cancer revelation leaves Blake Lively ‘mortified’ over ‘photoshop fails’ joke

Kate Middleton cancer revelation leaves Blake Lively ‘mortified’ over ‘photoshop fails’ joke

Following Kate Middleton’s announcement Friday that she had been diagnosed with cancer, Blake Lively apologized on social media for a joke she’d made at the princess’ expense during her “manipulated” photo controversy earlier this month.  “I’m sure no one cares today but I feel like I have to acknowledge this,” the “A Simple Favor” star…

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Rmag Breaking News

Predictive Indicator app

From Concept to Code: Is My Decentralized Trading Vision Feasible? Hello, community! I’m here not as a developer, but as someone brimming with ideas and a vision for a project that I believe could significantly impact the trading world. However, I need your expertise to understand if what I’m imagining is technically feasible and,…

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Rmag Breaking News

MongoDB Aggregate Query: A simple example

The speaker presents an example of a MongoDB aggregate query designed to find hotels associated with a specific restaurant in a particular city. Starting with matching the provided restaurant ID, the query proceeds with lookups and unwinding of arrays to navigate through the relationships between restaurants, hotels, and cities. It carefully matches IDs and attributes…

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