Rmag Breaking News

Predictive Indicator app

From Concept to Code: Is My Decentralized Trading Vision Feasible? Hello, dev.to community! I’m here not as a developer, but as someone brimming with ideas and a vision for a project that I believe could significantly impact the trading world. However, I need your expertise to understand if what I’m imagining is technically feasible and,…

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Rmag Breaking News

MongoDB Aggregate Query: A simple example

The speaker presents an example of a MongoDB aggregate query designed to find hotels associated with a specific restaurant in a particular city. Starting with matching the provided restaurant ID, the query proceeds with lookups and unwinding of arrays to navigate through the relationships between restaurants, hotels, and cities. It carefully matches IDs and attributes…

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A procedat corect? Cum a justificat selecționerul cea mai curioasă decizie luată cu Irlanda de Nord: „Dacă nici acum, atunci când?”

A procedat corect? Cum a justificat selecționerul cea mai curioasă decizie luată cu Irlanda de Nord: „Dacă nici acum, atunci când?”

Edi Iordănescu a abordat amicalul cu Irlanda de Nord, încheiat 1-1, cu mai multe surprize în primul „11”, decizia care a provocat cele mai multe dezbateri fiind titularizarea lui Cristi Manea în flancul stâng al defensivei. Forțat de împrejurări, selecționerul a utilizat în banda stângă un fundaș de picior drept, mutare ce nu a dat…

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Rmag Breaking News

Exploring JavaScript Obfuscation in Web Development and Cybersecurity

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development and cybersecurity, JavaScript obfuscation emerges as a powerful tool, cloaking code in layers of complexity and intrigue. But what exactly does this entail? JavaScript obfuscation is a sophisticated technique employed by developers and security professionals to obscure the true nature of JavaScript code. It involves deliberately transforming the…

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Loading Images ReactJs

Loading Images ReactJs

Hello Dev community *I want to share with you a simple Image Loading Using Simple userEffect and a promise * Fist of All , we create a component with a basic user interface we import ower images from the Public folder I have an example in here import bernuilt from “../../../public/bernuilt.jpg”; import benomial from “../../../public/benomial.jpg”;…

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Die Spende, die nichts kostet

Die Spende, die nichts kostet

Facebook, soziale Medien und der Posteingang… Spätestens die Januartage bescheren die ersten Meldungen mit „es geht wieder los“ oder „das Rennen um die Formulare hat begonnen“… und das Bittertraurige daran ist, dass es ein Rennen gegen andere Vereine oder Nichtregierungsorganisationen ist, die sich für etwas einsetzen, das mindestens so wichtig wie das eigene Projekt ist….

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