Peste un milion de ucraineni, fără curent, după atacul masiv asupra infrastructurii energetice ucrainene

Peste un milion de ucraineni, fără curent, după atacul masiv asupra infrastructurii energetice ucrainene

Mai mult de un milion de ucraineni au rămas fără energie electrică, după ce Rusia a lansat cel mai mare atac cu rachete şi drone asupra infrastructurii energetice a Ucrainei, fiind lovită cea mai mare hidrocentrală din ţară, relatează The Guardian. Reţeaua energetică ucraineană primeşte asistenţă în regim de urgenţă din Polonia, România şi Slovacia…

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Grindeanu trece la amenințări. Va rezilia contractul firmei care face studiul de fezabilitate al tronsonului Bistriţa-Suceava din Autostrada Nordului

Grindeanu trece la amenințări. Va rezilia contractul firmei care face studiul de fezabilitate al tronsonului Bistriţa-Suceava din Autostrada Nordului

Declaraţia a fost făcută vineri, cu ocazia unei vizite de lucru în oraşul Beclean din judeţul Bistriţa-Năsăud, unde din decembrie anul trecut a fost deschisă circulaţiei o variantă ocolitoare, menită să preia o parte din traficul de pe Drumul Naţional 17, principala cale de legătură dintre Transilvania şi Moldova.”Avem următoarea abordare pe tot ceea ce…

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Solana Flips Ethereum: Captures Nearly Half of Global Crypto Investor Interest: Report

Solana Flips Ethereum: Captures Nearly Half of Global Crypto Investor Interest: Report

Solana (SOL) has become the most popular blockchain ecosystem in 2024, capturing nearly 50% of global crypto investor interest in chain-specific narratives, according to a recent report by crypto data aggregator CoinGecko. The report follows the accelerated resurgence of SOL this year, currently at $177 and getting closer to its 2021 highs. Another reason behind…

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‘Planting a tree is hope in action’: the people regenerating urban habitats and growing community

‘Planting a tree is hope in action’: the people regenerating urban habitats and growing community

Volunteer-led rewilding projects are helping restore degraded habitats in Australian cities, providing opportunities to connect with the planet and others Change by Degrees offers life hacks and sustainable living tips each Saturday to help reduce your household’s carbon footprintGot a question or tip for reducing household emissions? Email us at For Stephen Northey, an…

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‘The story of being a burden has been told too many times’: how dementia-friendly theatre is changing the narrative

‘The story of being a burden has been told too many times’: how dementia-friendly theatre is changing the narrative

From specifically adapted performances to telling new stories about memory, drama groups are innovating with music, movement and wordless performance to bring the joy of theatre to everyone When my grandma was a child, she wanted to be a star. She would hide behind the kitchen door when her parents had friends over and do…

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EU-Gipfel berät zu Ukraine, Nahost  und Bosnien-Verhandlungen

EU-Gipfel berät zu Ukraine, Nahost und Bosnien-Verhandlungen

Brüssel (ADZ) – Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU, darunter auch Präsident Klaus Johannis, sind am Donnerstag in Brüssel zu einem zweitägigen Gipfel zusammengetroffen, der der Lage in der Ukraine, im Nahen Osten sowie der Aufnahme von Beitrittsverhandlungen mit Bosnien-Herzegowina gewidmet ist. In seinem Einladungsschreiben hatte EU-Ratsratspräsident Charles Michel hervorgehoben, es sei Zeit „für einen…

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