Young people becoming less happy than older generations, research shows

Young people becoming less happy than older generations, research shows

America’s top doctor says governments’ failure to better regulate social media is ‘insane’ Vivek Murthy: the US surgeon general highlighting unhappiness‘You have to stand out’: six Dagenham teenagers on their future prospects Young people are becoming less happy than older generations as they suffer “the equivalent of a midlife crisis”, global research has revealed as…

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Plans to move asylum seekers from hotels in tatters after NAO report

Plans to move asylum seekers from hotels in tatters after NAO report

Report also discloses approval was rushed through without developing safety plans or consulting councils Rishi Sunak’s plan to save public money by moving asylum seekers out of hotels is in tatters after Whitehall’s spending watchdog disclosed that the government’s alternative sites will cost millions of pounds more. The National Audit Office said attempts to place…

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Get Ready For Liftoff: XRP Set For 20% Surge Against Bitcoin, Predicts Analyst

Get Ready For Liftoff: XRP Set For 20% Surge Against Bitcoin, Predicts Analyst

Recently, a renowned figure in the crypto analysis sphere, CrediBULL Crypto, has spotlighted XRP with a bullish prediction. According to the analyst, XRP is on the verge of a significant rally that could surge its value against Bitcoin in the coming period. XRP Price: Anticipating The Surge CrediBULL Crypto has been closely monitoring XRP’s movements against…

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CNN anchor invokes Nazi Germany, blasts Trump’s ‘antisemitic and incredibly dangerous’ remarks on Jewish Dems

CNN anchor invokes Nazi Germany, blasts Trump’s ‘antisemitic and incredibly dangerous’ remarks on Jewish Dems

CNN anchor Dana Bash torched former President Trump over what she called “antisemitic and incredibly dangerous” rhetoric towards Jewish people who vote for Democrats, even saying, “It was used in Nazi Germany.”  Trump unleashed during an interview on “America First with Sebastian Gorka” when he was asked why Democrats “hate Bibi Netanyahu” following Sen. Chuck…

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Welcome Thread – v268

Welcome Thread – v268

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you’re learning, or just a fun fact about yourself. Reply to someone’s comment, either with a question or just a hello. 👋 Come back next week to greet our new members so you can one day earn our Warm…

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Golf influencer Paige Spiranac talks what’s ‘real’ after getting asked about teeth

Golf influencer Paige Spiranac talks what’s ‘real’ after getting asked about teeth

Golf influencer Paige Spiranac held a question-and-answer forum on her Instagram Stories on Tuesday for her massive audience of more than 4 million followers. One burning question Spiranac was asked whether “they” were real. Of course, asking about Spiranac’s pearly white teeth. The questioner was interested in whether some of her teeth were caps or…

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Letzte musikalische Passions-Andacht im Kirchenkastell Mediasch

Letzte musikalische Passions-Andacht im Kirchenkastell Mediasch

Mediasch – Die Geschichte des Propheten Jona spielt zwar im alttestamentarischen Mittelmeerraum des achten Jahrhunderts vor Christus, doch sein salzhaltiges Wasser, ein Walfisch und auch der vertrocknete Rizinusstrauch als Kulisse haben bis heute nichts von ihrer Echtheit eingebüßt, weswegen die letzte Passions-Andacht im Evangelischen Gemeindehaus Mediasch denn auch Bezug auf jenen Botschafter im göttlichen Auftrag…

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Rumäniendeutsche Musikwoche Löwenstein

Rumäniendeutsche Musikwoche Löwenstein

Temeswar/Löwenstein/Heilbronn – Die 38. Musikwoche der Gesellschaft für deutsche Musikkultur im südöstlichen Eu-ropa findet in diesem Jahr direkt nach Ostern statt. Die Leitung der Musikwoche Löwenstein hat der Temeswarer Dirigent und Musikforscher Andreas Schein zum zweiten Mal inne. „Ich freue mich und fühle mich geehrt, das Orchester der Musikwoche Löwenstein auch in der 38. Ausgabe…

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