Fondurile „Rabla Clasic” și „Rabla Plus” s-au epuizat în câteva ore de la start

Fondurile „Rabla Clasic” și „Rabla Plus” s-au epuizat în câteva ore de la start

Fondurile pentru programele guvernamentale „Rabla Clasic” și „Rabla Plus”, s-au epuizat extrem de rapid. Fondurile sunt destinate persoanelor fizice care optează pentru achiziționarea mașinilor pe benzină sau motorină. Cei 180 de milioane de lei alocați inițial pentru aceste programe s-au epuizat în doar câteva ore de la deschiderea înscrierilor, lăsând astfel companiile și alte categorii…

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Rmag Breaking News

Nvidia and Qualcomm join Open Source Robotics Alliance to support ROS development

The Open Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF) this week announced the launch of the similarly named Open Source Robotics Alliance (OSRA). The new initiative is designed to maintain development for and maintenance of open source robotics projects, with a particular focus on the OSRF’s own robot operating system (ROS). First released in 2007 by erstwhile Bay…

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Algerian officials criticize television stations for ‘immoral’ programming, advertising during Ramadan

Algerian officials criticize television stations for ‘immoral’ programming, advertising during Ramadan

Officials in Algeria are chiding television stations over the content choices they’ve made since the start of Ramadan last week, injecting religion into broader discussions about how the country regulates content and advertising in media. Their criticisms come amid broader struggles affecting journalists and broadcasters, where television stations and newspapers have historically relied heavily on…

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Judge rules illegal immigrants have gun rights protected by 2nd Amendment

Judge rules illegal immigrants have gun rights protected by 2nd Amendment

A federal judge in Illinois has found that the Constitution protects the gun rights of noncitizens who enter the United States illegally. U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman on Friday ruled that a federal prohibition on illegal immigrants owning firearms is unconstitutional as applied to defendant Heriberto Carbajal-Flores. The court found that while the federal…

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Istvan Kovacs, delegat în play-off-ul EURO 2024. Ce partidă va conduce arbitrul român

Istvan Kovacs, delegat în play-off-ul EURO 2024. Ce partidă va conduce arbitrul român

Arbitrul român Istvan Kovacs va arbitra partida Țara Galilor – Finlanda, una din semifinalele play-off-ului pentru calificarea la EURO 2024. Centralul va fi ajutat de asistenții Vasile Marinescu și Ovidiu Artene, și de al patrulea oficial Tobias Stieler, din Germania. În camera VAR se vor afla Marco Fritz, din Germania, și Cătălin Popa. Partida Țara…

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## SQL history SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language, is a programming language designed to manage and manipulate relational databases. It provides a standardized way of interacting with databases, allowing users to perform various operations such as querying data, updating records, inserting new data, and deleting existing data. SQL was developed in the early…

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Kutyasétáltatással az örökbefogadásért

Kutyasétáltatással az örökbefogadásért

Örökbefogadott négylábúkat és gazdáikat hívja közös sétára az AMY és a Justice for Animals Egyesület március 23-án 10 órakor. A civil szervezetek a saját, illeve a szépmezői kutyamenhely védenceit képviselve vonulnak fel a városban, hogy a megmozdulás révén népszerűsítsék az örökbefogadást és segítsenek otthonra találni a gazdátlan ebeknek. Igyártó Nándor, a Justice for Animals elnöke…

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