‘Am I going to be homeless in June?’: Port Talbot workers fear return to 1980s

‘Am I going to be homeless in June?’: Port Talbot workers fear return to 1980s

Employees believe closure of steelworks’ coke oven will accelerate end of blast furnaces, with loss of up to 2,800 jobs South Wales ‘heading for Thatcher-era shock’ Jonathan James is in full flow, reminiscing about his family’s history at the Port Talbot steelworks, when his composure suddenly breaks. “Everyone worked in the steelworks from a young…

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Rmag Breaking News

A treia zi (7)

În acest spațiu, puteți citi fragmente din opera lui Gheorghe Schwartz A treia zi apărută la Editura Eminescu în 1980. 7   Domnul Rusan se mai afla la masa lui din sala mare a restaurantului Dacia, când îl văzu pe Caius Moldovan. Până atunci Rusan se străduise să amâne ferm și pe un ton cât mai „de…

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Ședință de urgență la PNL: decizii cruciale în Consiliul Politic Național

Ședință de urgență la PNL: decizii cruciale în Consiliul Politic Național

“Astăzi, începând cu ora 18,00, va avea loc Consiliul Politic Naţional al PNL (în format online)”, se arată în anunţul transmis presei. Pe 21 martie, Biroul Politic Naţional al PNL a validat candidaţii liberali de pe lista comună PSD-PNL pentru europarlamentare. Cu această ocazie, preşedintele PNL, Nicolae Ciucă, a anunţat că va fi convocat pentru…

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Rmag Breaking News

Nasty ass code

So I was trying to come up with a way to speed up the initial start time of Pipeliner… and I did it! But it is one of the most nasty ass pieces of code I’ve written in a long time… and here is why 🙂 Background But first a little bit of background. The…

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This Portable Wi-Fi 6 Router From GL.iNet Fits In Your Palm, Can Reach 1,200Mbps Speeds On The 5GHz Band, And Can Be Yours For Just $112.90

This Portable Wi-Fi 6 Router From GL.iNet Fits In Your Palm, Can Reach 1,200Mbps Speeds On The 5GHz Band, And Can Be Yours For Just $112.90

Portable routers share their excessive weight of compromises, ranging from lack of performance to gimped features, but GL.iNet has managed to address these problems with the Slate AX, a portable Wi-Fi 6 router that is small enough to carry around in your hand, a small pocket of your backpack, making it an ideal travel companion…

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