Patrula felinelor: Pisicile fără stăpân sunt adoptate de agenții de pază din Filipine și efectuează misiuni de verificare a bagajelor | FOTO

Patrula felinelor: Pisicile fără stăpân sunt adoptate de agenții de pază din Filipine și efectuează misiuni de verificare a bagajelor | FOTO

O pisică ce poartă uniformă de agent de pază neagră cu galben se plimbă cu dezinvoltură pe lângă paznicii aliniaţi în faţa unei clădiri de birouri din Manila, aşteptând probabil instrucţiuni pentru misiunea sa, scrie sâmbătă AFP într-un material despre pisicile fără stăpân ce sunt adoptate de agenţii de pază din Filipine, potrivit Agerpres.

Conan, un motan fără stăpân în vârstă de 6 luni, a fost adoptat de echipa care asigură securitatea sediului Worldwide Corporate Center din Manila de mai multe luni. El face parte dintre felinele comunitare care au avut şansa de a fi adoptate într-un oraş unde mii de pisici trăiesc pe străzi.

This picture taken on September 27, 2023 shows Conan the cat, seen wearing a black-and-yellow security vest, failing to catch a ball during playtime outside an office building in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila. A cat wearing a black-and-yellow security vest strolls nonchalantly past security guards lined outside a Philippine office building waiting to receive instructions for their shift. While the cats lack the security skills of dogs — and have a tendency to sleep on the job — their cuteness and company have endeared them to bored security guards working 12-hour shifts.,Image: 809617742, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
This picture taken on September 27, 2023 shows Conan the cat walking past security guards in formation outside an office building in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila. A cat wearing a black-and-yellow security vest strolls nonchalantly past security guards lined outside a Philippine office building waiting to receive instructions for their shift. While the cats lack the security skills of dogs — and have a tendency to sleep on the job — their cuteness and company have endeared them to bored security guards working 12-hour shifts.,Image: 809617770, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
This picture taken on September 27, 2023 shows cats Laura (L) and Shangki, seen wearing black-and-yellow security vests, eating from their bowls outside a fast food chain in Quezon City, Metro Manila. A cat wearing a black-and-yellow security vest strolls nonchalantly past security guards lined outside a Philippine office building waiting to receive instructions for their shift. While the cats lack the security skills of dogs — and have a tendency to sleep on the job — their cuteness and company have endeared them to bored security guards working 12-hour shifts.,Image: 809617753, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
This picture taken on September 27, 2023 shows Conan the cat, seen wearing a black-and-yellow security vest, receiving pats at his checkpoint desk at an office building in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila. A cat wearing a black-and-yellow security vest strolls nonchalantly past security guards lined outside a Philippine office building waiting to receive instructions for their shift. While the cats lack the security skills of dogs — and have a tendency to sleep on the job — their cuteness and company have endeared them to bored security guards working 12-hour shifts.,Image: 809617744, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
This picture taken on September 27, 2023 shows Conan the cat (2nd L), seen wearing a black-and-yellow security vest, looking as a man is searched before entering an office building in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila. A cat wearing a black-and-yellow security vest strolls nonchalantly past security guards lined outside a Philippine office building waiting to receive instructions for their shift. While the cats lack the security skills of dogs — and have a tendency to sleep on the job — their cuteness and company have endeared them to bored security guards working 12-hour shifts.,Image: 809617764, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
This picture taken on September 27, 2023 shows Conan the cat, seen wearing a black-and-yellow security vest, reacting as a person is searched before entering an office building in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila. A cat wearing a black-and-yellow security vest strolls nonchalantly past security guards lined outside a Philippine office building waiting to receive instructions for their shift. While the cats lack the security skills of dogs — and have a tendency to sleep on the job — their cuteness and company have endeared them to bored security guards working 12-hour shifts.,Image: 809617739, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
This picture taken on September 27, 2023 shows Conan the cat, seen wearing a black-and-yellow security vest, interacting with people outside an office building in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila. A cat wearing a black-and-yellow security vest strolls nonchalantly past security guards lined outside a Philippine office building waiting to receive instructions for their shift. While the cats lack the security skills of dogs — and have a tendency to sleep on the job — their cuteness and company have endeared them to bored security guards working 12-hour shifts.,Image: 809617746, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
This picture taken on September 27, 2023 shows Conan the cat reacting to a camera as security guards (background) stand in formation outside an office building in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila. A cat wearing a black-and-yellow security vest strolls nonchalantly past security guards lined outside a Philippine office building waiting to receive instructions for their shift. While the cats lack the security skills of dogs — and have a tendency to sleep on the job — their cuteness and company have endeared them to bored security guards working 12-hour shifts.,Image: 809617756, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
This picture taken on September 29, 2023 shows Maria the cat sitting in her box outside an establishment at the Alabang Town Center in Alabang, Metro Manila. A cat wearing a black-and-yellow security vest strolls nonchalantly past security guards lined outside a Philippine office building waiting to receive instructions for their shift. While the cats lack the security skills of dogs — and have a tendency to sleep on the job — their cuteness and company have endeared them to bored security guards working 12-hour shifts.,Image: 809617752, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
This picture taken on September 27, 2023 shows Conan the cat reacting to a camera as security guards (background) stand in formation outside an office building in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila. A cat wearing a black-and-yellow security vest strolls nonchalantly past security guards lined outside a Philippine office building waiting to receive instructions for their shift. While the cats lack the security skills of dogs — and have a tendency to sleep on the job — their cuteness and company have endeared them to bored security guards working 12-hour shifts.,Image: 809617738, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Foto: Profimedia Images

Chiar dacă pisicile nu au competenţele câinilor în materie de pază şi în plus au şi tendinţa de a adormi în post, agenţii de securitate – care muncesc câte 12 ore în ture ce pot deveni plictisitoare – apreciază prezenţa pisicilor.

Povestea motanului Conan

Conan a fost salvat pe când avea doar câteva săptămâni de o menajeră care l-a găsit plângând în parcarea unui imobil. El a devenit pisică de pază din întâmplare, după moartea predecesorului său, Mingming.

Paznicii îndoliaţi, care căutau un alt prieten care să le animeze turele de serviciu, au decis să-i ofere această oportunitate lui Conan.

“Dacă Conan nu este acolo, nu mă simt motivat”, a declarat pentru AFP Aljon Aquino, în vârstă de 30 ani. “Mă ajută să scap de stres”, spune el.

Fotografii ale lui Conan au fost distribuite de mii de ori pe Facebook. El poate fi admirat purtând o vestă cu inscripţia “securitate” în timp ce stă întins pe un birou, lângă o fotografie în mărime naturală a predecesorului său, Mingming.

Activități de relaxare, în timpul programului de lucru

Conan este una dintre cele mai mult de 10 feline care trăiesc la sediul Worldwide Corporate Center, un imobil de birouri şi de comerţ, unde felinele sunt binevenite.

Angajaţii cotizează bani pentru a le cumpăra de mâncare.

Chiar dacă duce o viaţă bună, Conan nu se arată prea entuziast să-şi ajute colegii să îndeplinească sarcinile de serviciu, cum ar fi să verifice bagajele clienţilor şi angajaţilor la intrarea în clădire.

El preferă să se relaxeze în faţa cafenelei din apropiere sau să se joace cu o minge spre deliciul trecătorilor.

“Uneori oamenii îl îmbrăţişează pentru că este foarte blând”, mai spune Aquino, care se amuză tachinându-l uşor pe Conan cu bastonul din dotare.

Foto: Profimedia Images



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