Python & Flutter’s latest: everything you need to stay updated

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What happened in February?

There is some interesting news for Python and Flutter users. Both Python and Flutter are essential for a lot of tech projects. We’re bringing these updates together to show how both tools are evolving to help developers do more.

Here’s what you need to know.

What’s new in Python 3.13

Python is preparing for its next update with version 3.13. The fourth alpha release, Python 3.13.0a4, was released on February 15, 2024. This version is part of a series of alpha releases designed to test and refine new features and improvements in Python.

This alpha version is intended for testing and feedback purposes. It provides an opportunity for developers to explore new features and contribute to the development process. Features may be added or modified throughout the alpha and beta phases, with the final changes being solidified in the release candidate phase by July 30, 2024.

Key updates in Python 3.13

Python 3.13 introduces several notable updates aimed at enhancing the language’s functionality and performance:

Colorized exception tracebacks: the interactive interpreter now automatically colorizes exception tracebacks, making error messages easier to read and debug.

Experimental JIT compiler: an experimental Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler has been added to Python, setting the stage for potential performance improvements in future releases.

Docstring indentation removal: leading indentation in docstrings is now automatically removed, reducing memory usage and the size of .pyc files.

PEP 594 – standard library streamlining: following PEP 594, numerous deprecated modules such as aifc, audioop, chunk, and others are scheduled for removal from the standard library, aiming to streamline and modernize Python’s built-in features.

Deprecations and removals: this release includes the deprecation and removal of various outdated classes, functions, and methods across the standard library, as part of ongoing efforts to improve Python’s efficiency and maintainability.

C API changes: the release also brings changes to the C API, including deprecations and removals, with some decisions from earlier releases being revisited to minimize disruption.

To learn more visit:

What’s new in Flutter 3.19

Flutter has recently updated to version 3.19, introducing a suite of new features and enhancements that promise to improve app development significantly.

Key Updates in Flutter 3.19

Gemini API and Google AI Dart SDK Beta Release: Flutter now includes the Gemini API, powered by Google’s latest AI models, through the beta release of the Google AI Dart SDK. This integration allows developers to easily incorporate generative AI features into their Dart or Flutter applications, opening up new possibilities for app functionality.

Impeller rendering engine enhancements: significant improvements have been made to the Impeller rendering engine, particularly for Android devices. The OpenGL backend has achieved feature parity with the Vulkan backend, ensuring consistent and high-quality performance across all devices. These updates contribute to a smoother and more native app experience.

Support for Windows Arm64: Flutter 3.19 extends its support to include the Windows Arm64 architecture, allowing apps to run natively on a wider range of Windows devices. This enhancement not only broadens the potential user base for Flutter apps but also optimizes performance on devices with Arm64 processors.

Deep linking and DevTools enhancements: Flutter 3.19 simplifies the implementation of deep linking with new validation tools. DevTools has been updated to include enhanced tracing options and the ability to validate deep link setups on Android, facilitating easier debugging and optimization of Flutter apps.

Deprecations and Removals: this release continues Flutter’s efforts to streamline and modernize the framework by deprecating and removing outdated features and functionalities across the framework and engine. These changes are part of Flutter’s ongoing commitment to improving efficiency and maintainability.

C API changes: Flutter 3.19 also introduces changes to the C API, including deprecations and removals, aimed at minimizing disruption and enhancing the overall development experience.

Additional improvements and features: the release is packed with numerous smaller improvements and new features that refine the development process. Notable additions include:

The AnimationStyle widget for more dynamic animations.

The SegmentedButton.styleFrom method for easier creation of custom button styles.

An adaptive switch component for consistent UI across platforms.

Accessibility has also been improved with new identifiers in SemanticsProperties.

To learn more visit:

What’s the number one feature you can’t wait to test?

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