React – Virtual DOM, Reconciliation, Fiber

RMAG news

Before discussing Virtual DOM, we need some context of the Browser Rendering process and DOM.

These are the steps browser follows to render our website :

Parsing HTML :
The browser parses our HTML and stores it in memory as a tree structure of a document, which is also known as DOM (Document Object Model) or sometimes as Real DOM. It is a Web API used to build websites.
DOM methods allow programmatic access to the tree. With them, you can change the document’s structure, style, or content.
Parsing CSS :
The browser parses our CSS and stores it in memory as CSSOM (CSS Object Model). It is a Web API to manipulate the CSS of our website.
Creating Render Tree :
The browser uses DOM and CSSOM to create a render tree. Render Tree represents everything that will be rendered on the browser (HTML nodes with their styles).
Layout Render Tree :
Browser calculates the geometry of all elements (sizes & positioning) and accordingly starts placing them.
_Painting _:
Now it will start painting all individual nodes according to their styles.

Virtual DOM
It is the representation of DOM as a JavaScript Object.

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