Shared Tailwind Setup For Micro Frontend Application with Nx Workspace

Shared Tailwind Setup For Micro Frontend Application with Nx Workspace

This tutorial will guide you through the process of setting up Tailwind CSS for a micro frontend application using Nx Workspace. We will created a host and remote application using Nx Workspace, and configure Tailwind CSS for both applications. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to set up Tailwind CSS for a micro frontend application.

Link for Final Implementation

The final implementation of the micro frontend architecture can be found in the following repository commits:

Add Tailwind CSS configuration to info and container apps

Live Demo: Micro Frontend Architecture

Note: You can use Nx Console Run Command. Nx Console


Before we begin, make sure you have the following things set up:

Base Repository for creating Nx Workspace with ESLint, Prettier, and Husky Configuration.

Building a Micro Frontend Architecture with Nx Workspace for creating a micro frontend architecture using Nx Workspace.

Before we start, let’s take a look at the tools and technologies we’ll be using in this tutorial:

Nx Workspace: Nx is a set of extensible dev tools for monorepos, which helps you develop like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft.

React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs.

ESLint: A pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript.

Prettier: An opinionated code formatter that enforces a consistent code style.

Netlify: A platform that provides continuous deployment, serverless functions, and more.

Table of Contents

Link for Final Implementation
Table of Contents
Create Nx Workspace
Create Host Application
Create Remote Application
Install Tailwind CSS
Configure Tailwind CSS For Container Application
Configure Tailwind CSS For Info Application
Some Test for Tailwind CSS All Applications Production and Development Mode

Configure Tailwind CSS For Container Application

Befote Configuring the Tailwind CSS for the container application, you need to download the tailwindcss package and @tailwindcss/forms plugin. If you haven’t already installed these packages, you can do so by running the following command:

pnpm add -D @tailwindcss/forms tailwindcss

To configure Tailwind CSS for the container application, you need to follow these steps:

Add the Tailwind CSS plugin to the container application by running the following command:

With Script:

pnpm exec nx generate @nx/react:setup-tailwind –project=container –no-interactive –dry-run

With Nx Console:

After running the command or using Nx Console, Nx can automatically configure the Tailwind CSS plugin for the container application.

Create base tailwind configuration file in root directory of the project.

Tip: You can create a colors object from this link:

// tailwind.base.config.js
/** @type {import(‘tailwindcss’).Config} */
module.exports = {
content: [
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
primary: {
DEFAULT: #3366ff,
50: #f0f4ff,
100: #f0f4ff,
200: #d9e2ff,
300: #a6c1ff,
400: #598bff,
500: #3366ff,
600: #274bdb,
700: #1a34b8,
800: #102694,
900: #091c7a,
plugins: [require(@tailwindcss/forms)],

Update the tailwind.config.js file in the container application with the following content:

Tip: This Configration is for including the tailwind styles from the tailwind.base.config.js file. If you wanna override the styles you can easily do it.

Tip: Info comment is for including the tailwind styles from the info application.

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/unbound-method */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
const { createGlobPatternsForDependencies } = require(@nx/react/tailwind);
const { join } = require(path);
const baseConfig = require(../../tailwind.base.config);

/** @type {import(‘tailwindcss’).Config} */
module.exports = {
content: [
…(baseConfig?.content || []),
// INFO : Add the following line to include the tailwind styles from the info application
createGlobPatternsForDependencies(join(__dirname, apps/info)),

Configure Tailwind CSS For Info Application

To configure Tailwind CSS for the info application, you need to follow these steps:

Add the Tailwind CSS plugin to the info application by running the following command:

With Script:

pnpm exec nx generate @nx/react:setup-tailwind –project=info –no-interactive –dry-run

With Nx Console:

After running the command or using Nx Console, Nx can automatically configure the Tailwind CSS plugin for the info application.

Update the tailwind.config.js file in the info application with the following content:

Tip: This Configration is for including the tailwind styles from the tailwind.base.config.js file. If you wanna override the styles you can easily do it.

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/unbound-method */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
const { createGlobPatternsForDependencies } = require(@nx/react/tailwind);
const { join } = require(path);
const baseConfig = require(../../tailwind.base.config);

/** @type {import(‘tailwindcss’).Config} */
module.exports = {
content: [
…(baseConfig?.content || []),

Some Test for Tailwind CSS All Applications Production and Development Mode

After configuring the Tailwind CSS for the container and info applications, you can test the applications in production and development modes.

Firstly we can test it custom dynamic tailwind styles in the info application.

// apps/info/src/app/app.tsx
export function App() {
return (
<h1>Welcome to info!</h1>
<p>This is a remote app that is part of the Nx plugin for Webpack 5.</p>
<section className=“bg-gray-50 shadow-sm p-4 rounded-lg”>
<h2 className=“text-4xl font-bold text-center border-b-4 border-b-primary py-[41px]”>
<p className=“text-lg text-center my-[41px]”>
This app is a remote app that is part of the Nx plugin for Webpack 5.

export default App;

Next step we can test it custom animation tailwind styles in the info application.

Add the following styles to the tailwind.base.config.js file.

/** @type {import(‘tailwindcss’).Config} */
module.exports = {
content: [
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
primary: {
DEFAULT: #3366ff,
50: #f0f4ff,
100: #f0f4ff,
200: #d9e2ff,
300: #a6c1ff,
400: #598bff,
500: #3366ff,
600: #274bdb,
700: #1a34b8,
800: #102694,
900: #091c7a,
// INFO : Addes the following animation styles
animation: {
wiggle: wiggle 1s ease-in-out infinite,
// INFO : Addes the following keyframes styles
keyframes: {
wiggle: {
0%, 100%: { transform: rotate(-3deg) },
50%: { transform: rotate(3deg) },
plugins: [require(@tailwindcss/forms)],

Use the animation styles in the info application. This will add a wiggle animation to the Info heading and we are using primary color from the tailwind.base.config.js file.

// apps/info/src/app/app.tsx
export function App() {
return (
<h1>Welcome to info!</h1>
<p>This is a remote app that is part of the Nx plugin for Webpack 5.</p>
<section className=“bg-gray-50 shadow-sm p-4 rounded-lg”>
<h2 className=“text-4xl font-bold text-center border-b-4 border-b-primary py-[40px]”>
{/* INFO : Next Line style added */}
<p className=“animate-wiggle p-8 text-primary-700”>Info</p>
<p className=“text-lg text-center my-[40px]”>
This app is a remote app that is part of the Nx plugin for Webpack 5.

export default App;

Test the container application tailwind styles.

// apps/container/src/pages/home/index.tsx
import SocialLinks from ../../components/social-links;

export default function HomePage() {
return (
<div className=“h-[90vh] flex flex-col justify-center items-center bg-gray-100 gap-y-4 w-full”>
<p className=“text-[200px] animate-wiggle”>🌍</p>
<h1 className=“text-primary text-4xl font-bold”>
Welcome to the Container!
<p className=“text-lg text-primary-400”>
This is the container app that consumes the remote app info.
<p className=“text-lg text-gray-400”>
It was created with the Nx plugin for Webpack 5.
<SocialLinks />

const socialLinks = [
name: 🔗 LinkedIn,
name: 🔗 Twitter,

export default function SocialLinks() {
return (
<div className=“flex flex-row divide-x-2 md:w-1/3 w-full divide-black justify-center items-center border py-4 rounded-lg bg-white”>
{{ name, url }) => (
className=“px-4 hover:underline text-primary-400 text-xl”

Last step we can check the production mode for the container and info applications dynamic styles and animations in in build.

Run the following command to build the container and info applications in production mode:

rm -rf dist
pnpm run serve:info

Tip: Before the container build, you need to change production URL for the info module in the application.

// apps/container/
import { withReact } from @nx/react;
import { withModuleFederation } from @nx/react/module-federation;
import { composePlugins, ModuleFederationConfig, withNx } from @nx/webpack;

import baseConfig from ./module-federation.config;

const prodConfig: ModuleFederationConfig = {
* Remote overrides for production.
* Each entry is a pair of a unique name and the URL where it is deployed.
* e.g.
* remotes: [
* [‘app1’, ‘’],
* [‘app2’, ‘’],
* ]
* You can also use a full path to the remoteEntry.js file if desired.
* remotes: [
* [‘app1’, ‘’],
* [‘app2’, ‘’],
* ]

remotes: [[info, http://localhost:3001/]], // INFO : Change the URL for production old: remotes: [[‘info’, ‘’]],

// Nx plugins for webpack to build config object from Nx options and context.
export default composePlugins(

pnpm run serve:container

After building the applications, you can show the in dist folder style.css tailwind styles and animations.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to set up Tailwind CSS for a micro frontend application using Nx Workspace. We have created a host and remote application using Nx Workspace, and configured Tailwind CSS for both applications. We have also tested the applications in production and development modes to ensure that the Tailwind CSS styles are working correctly. By following this tutorial, you should now have a solid understanding of how to set up Tailwind CSS for a micro frontend application.

Thank you for reading! 🚀 Happy coding!


Nx Workspace
Nx Module Federation
Nx Console
React Router
Tailwind CSS
ESLint Rules
Prettier Rules
Netlify Redirects
Netlify Headers
Netlify Functions


🧑‍💻 Serif Colakel – Software Engineer


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