The pet I’ll never forget: Brighton Yellow, the budgie that interrupted dinner parties chirping, ‘Right! That’s enough!’

The pet I’ll never forget: Brighton Yellow, the budgie that interrupted dinner parties chirping, ‘Right! That’s enough!’

This legendary little featherball did impressions of my mum, refused to stay in his cage and even learned to play football.

Budgies are supposed to be boring, manageable pets. I have no doubt that when my extremely busy parents took me to the pet shop and let me pick out a bird for my seventh birthday, they imagined they were swerving the time commitment of looking after a cat, or a dog, or even a rabbit when I lost interest.

But the neon-yellow lutino budgerigar that I took home with me was not your average featherball. Brighton Yellow, as I named him with typical seven-year-old sophistication, was an absolute riot who would not be confined to his cage. He was proof that you often get more than you bargain for when you adopt a pet.

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