Turkey enjoy rapturous Euro 2024 reception from diaspora in Germany

Turkey enjoy rapturous Euro 2024 reception from diaspora in Germany

Many Turkish Germans trace ancestry to Gastarbeiters (guest workers) and the fans are relishing a ‘home’ Euros

For Karani, Euro 2024 in Germany has the distinct air of a home tournament about it. “That Turkey qualified, and the national team is now here is a really nice feeling for me and many others of Turkish origin,” he says, trying to suss out via a weather app if he can trust the forecast enough before the Turkey v Georgia game on Tuesday to put out the cushions on the terrace of his café in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district.

“Of course I’m proud. I hope we get far. A Turkey-Germany final would be the best outcome, though I admit in that case I would struggle to know who to support.”

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