Yes, Rishi Sunak, the world is a scary place. That is why we need a new prime minister | Rafael Behr

Yes, Rishi Sunak, the world is a scary place. That is why we need a new prime minister | Rafael Behr

With no domestic legacy to celebrate, the PM has little choice but to focus on global volatility. But that is a problem he can’t solve

On the eve of the last general election, no one was debating what to do in the event of a pandemic, or if Russia invaded Ukraine, or the Middle East exploded. If the recent past contains clues about the near future, Britain’s next prime minister will soon be grappling with some as yet unforeseen global emergency. Plus the already visible crises.

Where most people see dangers amassing on the horizon, Rishi Sunak reads simplistic campaign slogans. For want of a domestic legacy to celebrate, the prime minister has decided to put global volatility at the centre of his pitch for re-election. He rehearsed the line in a speech on Monday. The world is a scary place, he said. Only the Tories can keep you safe.

Rafael Behr is a Guardian columnist

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