Use CLI to generate your spring starter projects

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In the world of Spring Boot development, starting a new project with, manually downloading and extracting the starter-template can be cumbersome. Fortunately, Spring CLI (Command Line Interface) provides a convenient solution to streamline this process. In this article, we’ll explore how to leverage Spring CLI to generate a Spring Boot project template quickly and efficiently.

Spring CLI allows you to quickly bootstrap and develop Spring-based applications using Groovy scripts. Here’s a step-by-step guide to create a new project:

Step1: Install Spring CLI

If you haven’t installed Spring CLI yet, you can download it from the official Spring website or use SDKMAN! (The Software Development Kit Manager). Here’s how to install it using SDKMAN!:

sdk install springboot

This command installs the Spring Boot CLI along with the Spring CLI.

Step 2: Create a New Project
Once you have Spring CLI installed, you can create a new project using the spring init command followed by the project name and the dependencies you want to include. For example:

spring init –dependencies=web,data-jpa my-spring-project

This command creates a new Spring Boot project named my-spring-project with web and data JPA dependencies. You can obtain detailed information on the different options available to use with the spring init command viz:

Step 3: Customize Project Settings:
You can customize your project settings by specifying additional options in the spring init command. For instance, you can specify the project’s language, build system, and packaging format. Here’s an example:

spring init –java-version=21

This command creates a new Spring Boot project with Java 21, Gradle as the build system, JAR packaging with actuator, data-jdbc, postgresql, web as dependencies. To view more customizable options, do:

sdk –help init


–dependencies, -d
Comma-separated list of dependencies to include

–version, -v
Version of Spring Boot to use (e.g., 2.6.0, 2.5.4.RELEASE)

–build, -b
Build tool to use (maven or gradle)

–java, -j
Java version (e.g., 1.8, 11, 17)

–language, -l
Language for the project (java, groovy, kotlin)

–package-name, -p
Base package name for the project

–groupId, -g
Group ID for the project

–artifactId, -a
Artifact ID for the project

Version of Spring Boot to use

–force, -f
Overwrite any existing files

–extract, -x
Extracts the given archive to the project directory

–list, -ls
List all available Spring Boot versions

–list-modules, -lm
List the modules for a given version

–list-templates, -lt
List all available project templates

Skips writing files if they already exist

–packaging, -P
Packaging to use for the project (e.g., jar, war)

–name, -n
Project name

–description, -d
Project description

–force, -f
Overwrite existing files without prompting

–format, -of
Format the output using the given format (e.g., json, yaml)

–list, -ls
List all available versions

–list-boot, -lb
List all available Spring Boot versions

List all available Spring Boot versions

–list-templates, -lt
List all available project templates

–yes, -y
Always use the default value for prompts

–no-color, -nc
Disable color output

–quiet, -q
Quiet output mode (no progress bar)

–stacktrace, -st
Print stack trace on application failure

–version, -v
Print the version number

–help, -h
Print this help message

This table summarizes the options available for the spring init command, along with their descriptions. You can use these options to customize the generation of your Spring Boot project according to your requirements. Here are some examples:

To list all the capabilities of the service:
$ spring init –list

To creates a default project:
$ spring init

To create a web
$ spring init -d=web

To create a web/data-jpa gradle project unpacked:
$ spring init -d=web,jpa –build=gradle my-dir

Available Spring Initializr Dependencies/Templates


actuator: Actuator: Production-ready features to help you monitor and manage your application

batch: Batch: Support for Spring Batch including HSQLDB database

data-cassandra: Spring Data Cassandra: Apache Cassandra database support

data-jdbc: Spring Data JDBC: Simplified database access via JDBC

data-jpa: Spring Data JPA: Simplified database access via JPA

data-ldap: Spring Data LDAP: Simplified LDAP access

data-mongodb: Spring Data MongoDB: MongoDB database support

data-rest: Spring Data REST: Expose Spring Data repositories over REST via Spring Data REST

data-solr: Spring Data Solr: Apache Solr search platform support

jersey: Jersey: RESTful Web Services with JAX-RS and Jersey

jms: JMS: Java Messaging Service

jmx: JMX: Java Management Extensions

mail: Mail: Sending email using Spring Framework’s email abstraction

mobile: Mobile: Support for mobile web applications with jQuery Mobile

mqtt: MQTT: MQTT support

security: Security: Authentication and Authorization with Spring Security

thymeleaf: Thymeleaf: Thymeleaf engine

web: Web: Full-stack web development with Tomcat and Spring MVC

websocket: WebSocket: WebSocket support


activiti: Activiti: Business Process Modeling

batch: Batch Service

cloud-config-client: Config Client: Distributed Versioned Configuration

cloud-config-server: Config Server: Centralized External Configuration Management

cloud-eureka: Eureka Discovery: Service Registration and Discovery

cloud-gateway: Gateway: API Gateway

cloud-hystrix: Hystrix: Circuit Breaker

cloud-zuul: Zuul: API Gateway

kafka: Apache Kafka: Kafka Support

kotlin: Kotlin: Kotlin Programming Language Support

mongodb: MongoDB: MongoDB Support

restdocs: Spring REST Docs: Documentation generation for RESTful services

security-oauth2: OAuth2: OAuth 2.0 Support

webflux: WebFlux: Reactive Web Support

Project types (* denotes the default)


Generate a Gradle build file.

gradle-project *
Generate a Gradle based project archive using the Groovy DSL.

Generate a Gradle based project archive using the Kotlin DSL.

Generate a Maven pom.xml.

Generate a Maven based project archive.


Default value

project coordinates (infer archive name)

spring boot version

project description
Demo project for Spring Boot

project coordinates

language level

programming language

project name (infer application name)

root package

project packaging

project type

project version

Step 4: Navigate to the Project Directory
Once the project is created, navigate to the project directory:

cd my-spring-project

Step 5: Open the Project in Your Preferred IDE:
Open the project in your favorite Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, or Visual Studio Code.

Step 6: Start Developing:
You can now start developing your Spring application. The project structure is set up with a basic application class and directory structure, allowing you to add your own controllers, services, repositories, etc.

Step 7: Run Your Application:
To run your Spring Boot application, use the following command:

./mvnw spring-boot:run

If you’re using Gradle, you can run your application with:

./gradlew bootRun

Your Spring Boot application will start, and you can access it at http://localhost:8080.

That’s it! You’ve successfully created a new Spring Boot project using Spring CLI and can now start building your application.

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