ABQ officially hits 80° for the first time this year

ABQ officially hits 80° for the first time this year

Warm, spring-like weather will continue through the weekend. Light, afternoon breezes will continue through Sunday.

Albuquerque officially hit 80° for the first time this year Friday afternoon, with highs across New Mexico climbing into the 70s and 80s for most of the state. Even southwest Colorado is in the 70s today. Winds are breezier this afternoon too, with southerly winds gusts around 35 mph. A few spotty showers will develop this evening around parts of northwest and northern New Mexico, but very little rain is expected to make it to the ground. These showers will end by Saturday morning as the winds will die down overnight too.

Warm weather will continue through the weekend. Parts of northwest New Mexico will see a slight drop in high temperatures, but southeast New Mexico could climb into the 90s by Sunday. Winds on Saturday and Sunday should be lighter than what we are seeing today, with wind gusts generally around or less than 30 mph.

A storm will move through New Mexico on Monday, but for most of the state it will be a big wind maker. Winds gusts Monday afternoon could reach 40 to 65 mph, bringing areas of blowing dust and a high fire danger. Temperatures will also drop slightly Monday as the storm moves through. It will also bring spotty rain and mountain snow showers to western and northern New Mexico.

The storm moves out Monday night as winds will slowly die down. Breezy to locally windy weather will continue through Tuesday afternoon as a warming trend starts. Every afternoon next week will feature breezy afternoon winds, but with warm weather sticking around.

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