„Atacul de la Moscova, o lovitură și pentru Putin, care le-a promis rușilor în primul rând siguranță”

„Atacul de la Moscova, o lovitură și pentru Putin, care le-a promis rușilor în primul rând siguranță”

La nici măcar o săptămână de când Vladimir Putin și-a asigurat al cincilea mandat prezidențial, Rusia a fost scena unui carnagiu, iar atacul îngrozitor de vineri noapte se anunță o lovitură puternică la adresa liderului rus, care a promis în timpul mandatelor lui în primul rând securitate, comentează sâmbătă, 23 martie, CNN.

Atacul asupra vastului complex comercial și de concerte Crocus City Hall de lângă Moscova – revendicat între timp de gruparea jihadistă Statul Islamic (ISIS) – s-a soldat cu cel puțin 133 de morți și peste 100 de persoane rănite, potrivit celui mai recent bilanț confirmat de autoritățile ruse.

Aceasta nu este deloc stabilitatea și securitatea datorită cărora atât de mulți ruși au votat pentru Putin. De ani de zile, omul forte de la Kremlin a fost prezentat ca un lider capabil să garanteze ordinea în această țară vastă și turbulentă.

Russian National Guard (Rosgvardiya) officers walk past the Kremlin wall in Moscow on March 23, 2024, the day after a gun attack on the Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk. Camouflaged assailants opened fire at the packed Crocus City Hall in Moscow’s northern suburb of Krasnogorsk on March 22, 2024, evening ahead of a concert by Soviet-era rock band Piknik in the deadliest attack in Russia for at least a decade. Russia on March 23, 2024, said it had arrested 11 people – including four gunmen – over the attack on a Moscow concert hall claimed by Islamic State, as the death toll rose to 133 people.,Image: 859010473, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
People arrives with flowers to place at a makeshift memorial in front of the Crocus City Hall, a day after a gun attack in Krasnogorsk, outside Moscow, on March 23, 2024. Camouflaged assailants opened fire at the packed Crocus City Hall in Moscow’s northern suburb of Krasnogorsk on March 22, 2024, evening ahead of a concert by Soviet-era rock band Piknik in the deadliest attack in Russia for at least a decade. Russia on March 23, 2024, said it had arrested 11 people — including four gunmen — over the attack on a Moscow concert hall claimed by Islamic State, as the death toll rose to over 100 people.,Image: 858979793, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
In this pool photograph distributed by the Russian state agency Sputnik, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin speaks on the phone in Moscow on March 23, 2024, the day after a gun attack on the Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk. Camouflaged assailants opened fire at the packed Crocus City Hall in Moscow’s northern suburb of Krasnogorsk on March 22, 2024, evening ahead of a concert by Soviet-era rock band Piknik in the deadliest attack in Russia for at least a decade. Russia on March 23, 2024, said it had arrested 11 people – including four gunmen – over the attack on a Moscow concert hall claimed by Islamic State, as the death toll rose to over 100 people.,Image: 859002038, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Editor’s note : this image is distributed by Russian state owned agency Sputnik, Model Release: no
Flowers and candles are seen placed on the fence of the Russian Embassy in Helsinki, Finland, on March 23, 2024, a day after a gun attack in Krasnogorsk outside Moscow. LEHTIKUVA / JUSSI NUKARI – FINLAND OUT. * Restriction for France customers: it is forbidden to publish on the day of the event-Restriction clients francais : il est interdit de publier le jour meme de l evenement. * //LEHTIKUVA_LKFTJK20240323125051PBKR_TLNN52IWW/Credit:Jussi Nukari/LEHTIKUVA/SIPA/2403231345,Image: 858994936, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
A Russian police officer secures the Red Square in Moscow on March 23, 2024, the day after a gun attack on the Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk. Camouflaged assailants opened fire at the packed Crocus City Hall in Moscow’s northern suburb of Krasnogorsk on March 22, 2024, evening ahead of a concert by Soviet-era rock band Piknik in the deadliest attack in Russia for at least a decade. Russia on March 23, 2024, said it had arrested 11 people – including four gunmen – over the attack on a Moscow concert hall claimed by Islamic State, as the death toll rose to over 100 people.,Image: 859009014, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Russian police officers secure an area in front of the Kremlin in Moscow on March 23, 2024, the day after a gun attack on the Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk. Camouflaged assailants opened fire at the packed Crocus City Hall in Moscow’s northern suburb of Krasnogorsk on March 22, 2024, evening ahead of a concert by Soviet-era rock band Piknik in the deadliest attack in Russia for at least a decade. Russia on March 23, 2024, said it had arrested 11 people – including four gunmen – over the attack on a Moscow concert hall claimed by Islamic State, as the death toll rose to over 100 people.,Image: 859009538, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
MOSCOW, RUSSIA – MARCH 23: (—-EDITORIAL USE ONLY – MANDATORY CREDIT – ‘INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE OF RUSSIA / HANDOUT’ – NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS – DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS—-) A screen grab from a video shows Russian Investigative Committee collecting evidence at Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow, Russia after a gunmen attack that claimed the lives of at least 93 people on March 23, 2024. The Russian Investigative Committee said on Saturday that four perpetrators of Friday’s Moscow region concert hall attack were detained in the border region of Bryansk while heading to Ukraine. Investigative Committee of Russia / Handout / Anadolu,Image: 858972157, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ***
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MOSCOW, RUSSIA – MARCH 23: (—-EDITORIAL USE ONLY – MANDATORY CREDIT – ‘INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE OF RUSSIA / HANDOUT’ – NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS – DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS—-) A screen grab from a video shows Russian Investigative Committee collecting evidence at Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow, Russia after a gunmen attack that claimed the lives of at least 93 people on March 23, 2024. The Russian Investigative Committee said on Saturday that four perpetrators of Friday’s Moscow region concert hall attack were detained in the border region of Bryansk while heading to Ukraine. Investigative Committee of Russia / Handout / Anadolu,Image: 858972172, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ***
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MOSCOW, RUSSIA – MARCH 23: (—-EDITORIAL USE ONLY – MANDATORY CREDIT – ‘INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE OF RUSSIA / HANDOUT’ – NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS – DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS—-) A screen grab from a video shows Russian Investigative Committee collecting evidence at Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow, Russia after a gunmen attack that claimed the lives of at least 93 people on March 23, 2024. The Russian Investigative Committee said on Saturday that four perpetrators of Friday’s Moscow region concert hall attack were detained in the border region of Bryansk while heading to Ukraine. Investigative Committee of Russia / Handout / Anadolu,Image: 858972150, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ***
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Dar Rusia pare astăzi mai nesigură și mai volatilă decât în oricare alt moment din cei 24 de ani de mandat ai lui Putin. Războiul brutal al Kremlinului din Ucraina, aflat acum în al treilea an îngrozitor, i-a costat scump pe ruși.

Atacurile cu drone ucrainene și raidurile peste graniță ale milițiilor anti-Putin care-și au sediul în Ucraina se înmulțesc rapid. Revolta de anul trecut a lui Evgheni Prigojin, care conducea grupul mercenari Wagner, a fost o provocare șocantă, fără precedent, la adresa autorității Kremlinului, notează postul american de televiziune.

Dar acum, accentul se pune ferm pe aparenta reapariție în Rusia a jihadiștilor, care nu au legături cu războiul din Ucraina sau cu opoziția internă față de Kremlin.

În plus, SUA și alte guverne occidentale au avertizat, la începutul lunii martie, cu privire la existența unor informații care sugerau imineța unui astfel de atac.

Poate că a fost vorba de neîncredere, în condițiile în care relațiile dintre SUA și Rusia se află la un nivel atât de scăzut din punct de vedere istoric. S-ar putea, de asemenea, să fi fost faptul că informațiile americane au fost pur și simplu prea vagi sau nu au putut fi puse în aplicare. Dar pentru un lider care a promis securitate și stabilitate rușilor, un atac terorist pe scară largă, desfășurat pe teritoriul național, este o lovitură puternică la adresa imaginii lui, conchide CNN.

Urmăriți LIVETEXT Atac terorist la Moscova: Bilanțul deceselor a urcat la 143 de morți. Putin declară zi de doliu național și promite răzbunare



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