Idaho prosecutors in Bryan Kohberger case file new motion as defense raises fair trial questions

Idaho prosecutors in Bryan Kohberger case file new motion as defense raises fair trial questions

Ethan Chapin’s family doesn’t think about his suspected killer, as prosecutors in Bryan Kohberger’s high-profile Idaho murder case filed a new motion regarding his next court appearance. The judge in the case this week ruled that Kohberger’s defense team could resume phone surveys of potential jurors, and prosecutors filed a motion to seal his next…

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El rey Carlos de Inglaterra reanudará el martes la actividad pública tras el tratamiento de su cáncer

El rey Carlos de Inglaterra reanudará el martes la actividad pública tras el tratamiento de su cáncer

El Palacio de Buckingham respira aliviado y se aferra a la primera buena noticia en muchos meses. “Su Majestad el Rey se reincorporará en breve a sus actividades presenciales de cara al público, después de un periodo de tratamiento y recuperación, tras el reciente diagnóstico de cáncer que recibió”, ha asegurado en un comunicado, difundido…

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The Guardian view on indeterminate sentences: the legacy of a bad law lingers on

The Guardian view on indeterminate sentences: the legacy of a bad law lingers on

Imprisonment for public protection sentences were flawed and unjust. Labour should commit to finish them off The harmful effects of imprisonment for public protection sentences (IPPs) are well documented. For Tommy Nicol and Francis Williams, whose sisters have both spoken to the Guardian about the impact of punishments with no end-date, the pressure was unbearable….

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