The long and short of it? Loyola recruit Abby Johnson levels up at shortstop for Providence. ‘Remarkable year.’

The long and short of it? Loyola recruit Abby Johnson levels up at shortstop for Providence. ‘Remarkable year.’

Growing up on the travel softball circuit, Providence’s Abby Johnson always played shortstop. That was her primary position. So imagine her surprise as a freshman for the Celtics when she was put in right field, a position she had never played before. And she vividly remembered her first varsity game. “We played Romeoville, and it…

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Gewalttätige Angriffe auf Politiker: Was wirklich helfen würde

Gewalttätige Angriffe auf Politiker: Was wirklich helfen würde

Nach der Attacke auf den Dresdner SPD-Politiker Matthias Ecke ertönt der Ruf nach speziellen Gesetzen zum Schutz von Mandatsträgern. Ein gefährlicher Irrweg. Ob bei einer islamistischen Demo in Hamburg oder nach Gewaltexzessen gegen Wahlkämpfer: Seit geraumer Zeit schon erinnert die amtierende Bundesinnenministerin in ihren reflexhaften Reaktionen an die gute alte Jukebox. Man schmeißt oben eine…

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RMAG news

Uccisi 6 bambini, ma Meloni fa finta di niente

Abbiamo pubblicato ieri un articolo di Sarita Fratini, documentatissimo, nel quale si raccontava di come le Guardie tunisine hanno assalito un barchino di profughi e lo hanno colato a picco, uccidendo 16 persone tra le quali sei bambini. Le Guardie tunisine erano su una motovedetta armata. Alcune motovedette tunisine sono state fornite dall’Italia. Il governo…

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Exclusive: Marco Bellocchio Retrospective Coming to NYC’s Quad Cinema Ahead of Kidnapped

Exclusive: Marco Bellocchio Retrospective Coming to NYC’s Quad Cinema Ahead of Kidnapped

With over six decades of an illustrious filmmaking career, Marco Bellocchio’s latest feature, Kidnapped: The Abduction of Edgardo Mortara, will be coming U.S. theaters later this month from Cohen Media Group. A story once in the hands of Steven Spielberg to adapt, the 84-year-old Italian director’s latest work follows Edgardo Mortara, a seven-year-old Jewish boy…

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