FireCoder: Introducing CodeGemmy Model for Enhanced Code Completion

RMAG news

We’re thrilled to announce the latest release of FireCoder, packed with exciting new features and enhancements aimed at elevating your coding experience to new heights. With version 0.0.30, we’re introducing the CodeGemmy model for enhanced code completion, along with several updates and enhancements to improve performance and usability.

🚀 Main Features

Implemented CodeGemmy Model for Enhanced Code Completion

The highlight of this release is the integration of the CodeGemmy model, a state-of-the-art AI model designed specifically for code completion tasks. With CodeGemmy, FireCoder now delivers more accurate and contextually relevant code suggestions, empowering you to write code faster and with greater confidence.

Utilized a Local Tokenizer for Improved Performance

To further enhance performance and reduce prediction times, we’ve implemented a local tokenizer within FireCoder. This local tokenizer ensures that code suggestions are generated swiftly and accurately, providing you with a seamless coding experience.

🛠️ Updates and Enhancements

In addition to the main features, version 0.0.30 includes a host of updates and enhancements to improve overall functionality and usability:

Update server builds: We’ve updated the server builds to the latest version, ensuring compatibility with the latest features and improvements.

Configuration options: New configuration options have been added, including the ability to use pre-release versions and configure cloud usage.

Bug fixes: Several bug fixes have been implemented, addressing issues related to configuration settings, chat functionality, and code completion.

Auto restart servers: FireCoder now automatically restarts servers after changing configuration settings, ensuring smooth operation.

Chat enhancements: Chat functionality has been enhanced with the addition of a cancel button to stop generation and a copy button for convenience.

Cloud integration: Auto completion functionality has been added to cloud usage, enhancing collaboration and productivity.

For a detailed list of all changes, you can refer to the full changelog on GitHub.

Easy to Try and Use

Ready to experience the power of FireCoder with the new CodeGemmy model? Trying it out is easier than ever! Simply download the latest version from the VS Code marketplace, install it with a few clicks, and you’re ready to supercharge your coding workflow with smarter, more efficient code completion.

We’re committed to continuously improving FireCoder and bringing you the latest advancements in AI-driven coding assistance. Stay tuned for more updates, and don’t hesitate to share your feedback and suggestions with us on GitHub.

Happy coding!

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