From idea to launch in 3 days. EarlyBee: Landing pages to get Pre-orders, Emails or Votes

From idea to launch in 3 days. EarlyBee: Landing pages to get Pre-orders, Emails or Votes

Create a landing page to validate your idea/product at

Support EarlyBee on Product Hunt!

Day #0 — Scratching my own itch

Since I’m currently working on a Directory Listing Builder, I thought that I could get beta testers by having a private beta. But what if I got many emails? I thought that having a pre-order price would be better. But why not having both?

A few weeks ago my initial domain idea was, where I’ll create a page like so I immediatly bought it, talked to my wife about it and we didn’t like the domain, so we decided for 🐝.

Day #1— Friday night idea

Asked GPT to validate it

Check out my chat,

Since I created EarlyBee using SaasRock B2B2B portals, I created this SaasRock Portals GPT Assistant (that you can use) for this type of ideas, where the customer created end-user things: in this case a landing page that collects votes, emails and/or payments.

Bought Domain

My wife and I came up with a better domain name: early*Bee*. The domains .com, .so, and .co were already taken, but .io was available.

Asked GPT to generate a logo

I also asked GPT to generate a logo for me:

I used Adobe’s PNG to SVG converter.

Then created the icon and logo in Canva.

End result:

Such a cute be 🥹.

Day 2 — Proof of concept in 4 hours

Motivated enough having a great domain name and a beautiful logo, I hacked the following demo in 2 hours. I basically started with the Portal application (what the end users will see):

TLDW: These are some landing pages I tested.

I always like creating the end-product first, by not touching the database. For example in this case I have a specific files to have example data at app/modules/earlybee/utils/fakeLandingPage.ts:

My time spent on the portal (7.5 hours):

Time tracked for the end-product

Day 3 — Build, Market, Manage

Once I was happy with the portal, I started implementing the root application, which is where the makers will sign up:

Setting up Postmark to send Transactional Emails

Watch me configure a Postmark server from scratch:

Once your domain is verified, it will look like this:

And you should be able to get receive emails from your domain:

Setting up Stripe to get Payments and Subscriptions

Now, to quickly allow users to pay or subscribe to a plan, I need a Stripe account, put the secret key on my .env file, go to /admin/settings/pricing, click “Generate all plans”, and that’s it! Visitors can now subscribe at the /pricing page.

Watch me set up Stripe:

My time spent on the landing page management app:

Total hours: 2 hours

Pre-launch Day

My checklist today:

✅ Post EarlyBee on YouTube presenting the product

Tweet about it

✅ Create a Product Hunt teaser

✅ Send 210 emails to SaasRock newsletter subscribers

✅ Send +1,000 emails to my Gumroad subscribers

⌛ Write this blog post

This is the design I came up with:

Let me know what you think!

Unexpected Stripe Acccount Activation Error!

I just encountered the following errors while trying to activate the production Stripe account:

Verify an identity document

“Wait 24 hours to try again”, feels like I may have to reschedule the launch for Wednesday 8th. Stripe support was not able to help in time:

Things happen 😄. But as of today, May 7th, it’s live:

This is how my inbox looks right now (1 min before PH launch):


I’m sooo excited that I was able to complete this project in such a short amount of time and effort. All possible because of the new SaasRock feature: Portals.

Some examples:

Get pre-orders: kickstart your project

Collect emails: start a newsletter

Get upvotes: validate a product

Learn more about building B2B2C Portal apps in saasrock here.

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