How My Experience in Technical Support Enhances My Career as a Software Engineer

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First of all, I want to clarify that I don’t have many years of experience as a software engineer. However, I can certainly speak about my experience in technical support and freelancing.


Like in many other jobs, I’ve formed some friendships during my time in technical support. Some friends stayed in the company, but others I will keep as friends forever. Some of them chose to become software engineers like me, while others work in similar fields. My two years of experience allowed me to meet many kind people, mostly over the phone or through WhatsApp.

Deal with customers

Most of them were difficult to deal with because they thought we could solve all problems. While we could handle many issues, some, like disruptions and energy loss, were out of our control. As a result, I learned how to communicate effectively, calm people down, and negotiate. As a result of these skills, I gained many freelance opportunities and partnerships. The most powerful tool I discovered is the ability to use words. With them, you can make a real difference in the world.

Speak in public

During that time, I was in high school. Our teachers often gave presentations and speeches on the topics we were studying. As a child, I was always shy and found it difficult to speak in public. However, after years of practice and speaking regularly, I noticed improvements in my speaking ability. I realized that I could express myself more easily.

General knowledge on web

In past job, I helped customers with different services. This means I’ve learned about hosting, VoIP protocol, TCP/IP, and how networks work in general. This knowledge has been really helpful in understanding the HTTP Protocol.

Grow as a professional

When I first started at the company, I was a bit like a kid. But with time and experience, I grew up both personally and professionally. At first, I didn’t always know how to handle things, but my leaders helped me learn and adapt. I even helped a new employee when I had been with the company for six months, working four hours a day

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