How to count the numbers of vowels and consonants in a sentence in python

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This program prompts the user to input a phrase, then counts the number of vowels and consonants present in that phrase, ignoring uppercase letters and considering only alphabetical characters.

def count_vowels_consonants(phrase):
vowels = 0
consonants = 0
# Converting the phrase to lowercase for easier comparison
phrase = phrase.lower()
# Defining a list of vowels
vowels_list = [a, e, i, o, u]
# Iterating over each character in the phrase
for character in phrase:
# Checking if the character is a letter
if character.isalpha():
# Checking if the character is a vowel
if character in vowels_list:
vowels += 1
consonants += 1
return vowels, consonants

# Asking the user to input a phrase
user_phrase = input(Enter a phrase: )
# Calling the function and storing the result
num_vowels, num_consonants = count_vowels_consonants(user_phrase)
# Displaying the results
print(Number of vowels:, num_vowels)
print(Number of consonants:, num_consonants)

you can also complete the following challenge here

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